Govern America Radio Archives

Govern America | November 9, 2019 | Osama bin Putin

A hole in the Berlin wall reveals yet another prison behind it. Was the fall of the wall just a ruse? 


Hosts: Darren Weeks, Vicky Davis

Vicky's Websites:,

On this 30th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin wall, how free is the world from the scourage of authoritarian rule? As we are told that communism died decades earlier, yet we see surveillance state technologies being implemented on a world-wide scale, how free are we? Was it all just an elaborate deception? The "Global Warming" agenda pushers are taking the gloves off, beginning to overtly push the depopulation agenda. Is communist China the laboratory where technocratic controls are perfected for ultimate use upon the rest of the world? We examine some of the disturbing surveillance and control measures taking place in Xinjiang, and Uganda, Africa under the "safe cities" banner. Commentary on China's social scoring system and how it is likely to creep into the U.S. space and more. Phone calls in the final hour.


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Show Notes

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• Drifting Away from the World —TeknoAXE (
• Break in the Clouds —TeknoAXE (
• Stepping Along the Sky Redux —TeknoAXE (
• "Blinking Lights" Govern America Jingle Music Radio Creative
• Open Music —TeknoAXE (
• Hillary's Walk in the Woods —Artist Unknown ( /
• Pulse —Kevin MacLeod(
• Dragonfly —Brian Boyko (
• Albino —Brian Boyko (
• Future Revelations TeknoAxe
• Connection —Brian Boyko (
• MC Ballad A Frank Nora (
• Gasoline Diaries part 2 TeknoAxe
• Bed Soft Moo Ving —Big Fish, licensed to Coalition to Govern America, LLC via Music Radio Creative





Geopolitical Engineering for a New World Organization —Vicky Davis

1989: Berliners celebrate the fall of the Wall

Center for Strategic and International Studies: China's New Era in Techno-Governance 

The Power of Nightmares: The Rise of the Politics of Fear 

Frontline: In the Age of AI




Earth Needs Fewer People to Beat the Climate Crisis, Scientists Say

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Illinois Hospital Created ‘Comfort Room’ For Aborted Babies to Die In



The Beltway's 'Whistleblower' Furor Obsesses Over One Name

Alleged whistleblower Eric Ciaramella was Biden guest at State Department banquet

ADAM SCHIFF Accidentally Leaks Name of Anti-Trump ‘Whistleblower” Eric Ciaramella in Bill Taylor’s Transcript


Twitter is silencing users for publishing the name of the impeachment whistleblower




Speaker 1: [inaudible]

Speaker 2: we have before us the opportunity to forge for ourselves and for future generations. A new world order you wrote for that new world order. This is a moment to seize. The kaleidoscope has been shaken. The pieces are in flux. As soon they will settle again before they do let us meet. Order this world around us and new world order a world where the United Nations is poised to fulfill the historic vision of its founders. Nevertheless, United States, if they make keep a [00:00:30] vision to shape this so that the problem of the [inaudible] will be the emergence of a new international [inaudible] the first decade of the 21st century. But I don't want to, we'll be finished with greatest restructuring of the global economy. Greatest reach restructuring of the global economy, greatest restructuring of the global economy and new logo though [inaudible]

Speaker 1: Documenting the crisis of our republic. The very word secrecy [00:01:00] is repugnant to a free and open society. And we are as a people inherently and historic opposed to secret societies. The secret. Oh, and a sacred proceedings Waging war on the new world order. In the council of governments, we must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence whether sought or unsought by the military industrial complex. This is Govern America with Darren [00:01:30] Weeks and Vicky Davis

Speaker 3: [inaudible]

Speaker 4: live from the great lakes capital city, just South of the great lakes capital city covering all of North America and the world be the world wide web. This is governed America. I'm daring weeks. Vicky Davis is here as well. It continues to be the 9th of November, 2019 as we are back here in the saddle. [00:02:00] And this is the anniversary of the fall of the Berlin wall today. And a lot of, a lot of things going on as well. Uh, I guess a day that many people started saying that communism is dead and how true is that listeners, when we look around us and we're sitting, our rights were disappear, uh, left and right. Uh, good morning Vicki. Good morning. Morning Darren.

Vicky Davis: That's really a good way to start this. I, I have been just watching so [00:02:30] many things. And one thing that I heard in one program that I was watching is that what seems to have developed is market Leninism, which is kind of an interesting, uh, concept. You know, the capitalism, uh, under a Lennon. And I don't know enough about Lennon prism to, to be able to that,

Speaker 6: [00:03:00] but I do know that what's happening to our country and to the world is really bad. Yeah. Everything I see around me, you know, regarding the, when I think of communism, I think of how people have no rights. I think of soldiers in the streets with guns. I think of everything being planned out for you and you having no freedom to make your self determination. And then I look at what's happening with the erection of the national security [00:03:30] state and how our lives are being guided into certain behaviors. And, and yeah, it's, it's a more velvety touch at the moment. Uh, you have some semblance of freedom. You're, you're told certain things that you have the right to do, but yet ultimately it's, it's clear that these things are being erected. You know, hopefully we'll get to later on in the show. Uh, I clipped [00:04:00] that hearing that you sent me from the China tech and how the police state tactics that are being used over there because we're told, we were told that if, if we draw these other economies into free market capitalism, why they'll just magically changed their ways and, and they'll just adopt Western democracy, you know, quote unquote democracy as if we really have a democracy.

Speaker 6: Uh, at least that's not what we're supposed to be having. But you know, and democracy to me sounds an awful [00:04:30] lot like communism in a sense that everything is supposed to be done. Uh, it's basically mob rule where everyone, everyone is, uh, given to, uh, like, you know, 51% of the population that he's going to be raped. Then soon as he gets raped, you have no inherent rights. It's, it's whatever the mob says is the way we should go. That's the way we should go. People go for these ideas, but, but, but is the, these very ideas that help to implement communism because [00:05:00] it's the people's Republic of China, right? It's the people's liberation army, which holds everybody down. And that's why it's, it's alarming to see when, you know, we had William Kaufman on the show a number of times. Bill Kauffman, a former [inaudible] of university of Michigan professor who also developed technology for NASA.

Speaker 6: You remember him? Oh yeah. He, uh, he was trying to expose delegations coming into, to a university of Michigan from Harbin [00:05:30] Institute. And he was told in Harbin Institute, by the way, is the, is the university over there in China, which prepares people to enter the lip people's liberation army. And these delegations from Harbin Institute were coming in to the university of Michigan and the university of Michigan leaders were telling a professor Kaufmann that he had to show them his cone technology for rockets. [00:06:00] And he absolutely said, I will not, I w I, I refuse. What are you talking about? These people are from Harbin Institute and uh, he complained repeatedly. Now you talk about whistle blowers. See, this is the thing that really, I'm getting off on bunny trail here, but we're hearing a lot about this CIA whistleblower. Okay. And I'll say, CIA whistleblower, Eric Sierra Mella, he has connections to the CIA.

Speaker 6: And I'm not supposed to say his name, [00:06:30] Vicki, because we're not supposed to. No one's supposed to know who this guy is. Y Y, Y Y Y is social media censoring him. Why? But the point is as hell. Yeah. He, they don't want you to know because they're afraid. You're going to look into his background and find out he's a shell. He's a shell for the democratic party and he's a shell for the intelligence establishment. But my point in bringing all that up is here you have William Kaufman, who really [00:07:00] is a genuine whistleblower and he's treated like crap. His classes were canceled because he went up the chain of command at the university trying to get this communist Chinese thing exposed. And he was basically fired.

Speaker 5: Yeah. And I know, and he reported it to the FBI. He, he did everything, you know, but uh, just like you're supposed to do. But yeah, they were giving technology away to the communist Chinese. Um, but, uh, I watched a [00:07:30] program frontline that was on about a AI and I can't recommend highly enough everybody go watch that because the, it's absolutely terrifying about almost towards the end they got around to the China's belt and road program. But I'll tell you what, that program did not begin with China. China did not start that program. It was actually started by [00:08:00] the Germans and the Japanese working together and um, in the United States it was brought over here as a program. And so, um, all that technology, all this surveillance technology, um, you can't blame China for it, you know, I don't, I don't believe think a lot of they have was given to them.

Speaker 6: Absolutely. That's what I was going to say. China would not have [00:08:30] been able to be a world threat had it not been for traders within the United States government. And I wouldn't even blame the U S corporations for this. Uh, the U S corporations are simply taking advantage of the climate that was created for them. Now I'm sure they lobbied for it. I'm sure that they did everything they could to try to change that climate. But it was the trader as politicians who wanted to take the money and uh, or willing to go along with the, the, the globalist world [00:09:00] order that, that, that the, uh, world's wealthiest families wanted to create apparently. Uh, and this, this whole thing, if the American people ever realized how stabbed in the back they've been, I don't know what they would do. Honestly, I would hope that they would rise up and, and, and raise hell about it. But anymore, I don't know. It may just be, I mean, are we bringing that enough that we're just bury our face in our smartphones and, and just come what may [00:09:30] we don't really care anymore.

Speaker 5: Well, when, when you see, um, crimes being committed at the highest levels of government and nothing is done about it, I mean, what, what are you going to do as just an ordinary person? You know, you might get together a group of people that are incensed about something, but how, how much success are you gonna have when you see big major crimes [00:10:00] committed at the national level and nothing happens. Not a thing. Yeah. You know, they, they put on a big show of something happening. Everybody, you know, there's a lot of mouth going on, but that's all.

Speaker 6: Yeah. So we have the Berlin wall fell, uh, three decades ago. And, uh, isn't it interesting now that we have a president that wants to build a wall, say [00:10:30] Ms. Reagan? I remember watching it. I think it was like 19 years old, and I remember watching that on TV, uh, the coverage of it and, uh, Reagan said, mr Gorbachev tear down this wall and, uh, and the wall came down and now we have a president that says, build the wall. So it's kind of ironic.

Speaker 5: It is. What, a few decades in trading places. Um, when the, when the [00:11:00] wall came down, I, I did, you know, some history because I did find that the technology development for the highway system did begin in Germany. And, uh, there were plans before the Berlin wall came down. There were plans for a high tech wall with surveillance cameras and, and the whole thing. And, uh, so that ended of course, when the, when [00:11:30] the wall came down now that they, in the materials that I saw, they were blaming the idea of the high tech wall on East Germany, but East Germany could not even build a decent car. So how could they, how could they have that kind of high tech, um, how a high tech industry, I don't believe they did. It was West that had it.

Speaker 6: Well, now there are high tick walls going up everywhere [00:12:00] , uh, in our, in our cities today. Uh, and, and increasingly our cities have become smart. Whatever that means. What it really means is that you have less and less freedom. And, uh, I'm, I'm convinced it was, we were talking about China a moment ago that these, that China really is the model as to where we are headed, uh, technologically. All of these military technologies. Go ahead. Go ahead. [00:12:30] Well, I was just gonna say all of these military technologies are, they're always adopted. You know, it seems like they start out to be military and then they're, uh, adapted to civilian use. The microwave. A good example of that is something that was a military technology adapted to civilian use. And you could just go on and on and on, uh, from one thing and not, you know, JP GPS, global positioning systems, uh, that, that was a military technology developed for the military adapted to civilian use. So [00:13:00] there's so many of these things that have changed our lives in many ways, but as I see it, all of this, uh, surveillance stuff is going up everywhere. And you know, the internet itself was originally a military application, but, but all these militaristic things are being used against the people. It's being weaponized against all of us to, to create these.

Speaker 5: And we don't make, I wrote an article about weaponized infrastructure. Yeah, we don't because [00:13:30] they're building all of this into our infrastructure. All of these controls systems that, um, are really for the control of people. [inaudible]

Speaker 6: they don't need, uh, overt chains to restrain people anymore. All they have to do is have, uh, uh, you know, all of the, you know, if they can make, and I co I harken back to 1984 by George Orwell as I often do because he [00:14:00] had it, he nailed it in so many ways. If you, if you imprison somebody in their own mind, if you make it to the point where they are afraid enough that they are willing to restrain themselves, you don't need to, uh, you don't need to do anything to the masses if they police themselves. And that's what these, I think these technologies are designed to do is they're designed to keep people in a box, in a, in a, in a, in an invisible prison cell where they're [00:14:30] afraid to escape. They're afraid to go too far outside the boundaries to color too far outside the lines, or they're, they're going to be, um, punished in some way. And they may not even know exactly the extent to which it will be punished.

Speaker 5: Well, that's what the social credit system does. And I, in that a frontline program, they were talking about the Weger community. Um, I kind of think that they used the [00:15:00] area that the Wiggers live in the Wigger community as kind of like a test population test then, and of course that a, their AI technology even reads people's faces, you know, for what kind of mood you're in. If you're, if you're in a foul mood and maybe snap at somebody, then uh, the camera catches that and there you go. You get a demerit. I mean, this, it's, it's just [00:15:30] so heinous. It's so inhuman to have that kind of a system.

Speaker 7: Yeah, yeah. No question about it. Well, I'd done a significant slummy I don't want to miss saying this. The significance of the, of the, um, that must be you. Hang on a sec. I gotta hang it up. That's okay. Once I started hearing it, Tom was like, all [00:16:00] right, what's going wrong now? Yeah, I get it. I got to get that out of here. I was kind of relieved. That was your cell phone. Yeah. Maybe I'll have to sit on it or something. I don't know. Um, anyway, the significance of the Berlin wall coming down is that us foreign policy came down with the wall. The dammit, hold on. I gotta get this in here. That's okay. We're a, this is live radio, ladies and gentlemen. [00:16:30] Yeah. And anything can happen. Keep you on the edge of your seat here. Yeah, we've got a hearing from uh, the ah, sorry about that.

Speaker 7: Okay. Okay. Anyway, um, the entire world of a security or you know, world politics was built around the divide between Eastern West [inaudible] and when the Berlin wall came [00:17:00] down, American foreign policy came down with it. And, uh, I found this really great program that was produced. Bye. No counseling before you go, before you go on there. Can you elaborate a little bit on that? What do you mean by American foreign policy came down with the Berlin wall? Well, that's where it was going to go is to say that one of the people at in this program, the council on foreign relations commissioned [00:17:30] about 10 scholars to study, to, to write what they thought about the world and where it was going to go. Um, following the, the, uh, take down of the Berlin wall because our, um, all of our military policy, all of our diplomacy, everything was geared around the idea of the divide between East [00:18:00] and West. It was them and us. And, um, one of the, uh, scholars said that the old world with the wall was a world of predictability and, um, surety, I mean every, everybody knew what the rules were and everything was designed around the fact that there was this wall. And [00:18:30] , um, when the wall came down it, the whole us foreign policy kind of collapsed. It was kind of like, you know, well, now what? Now what do we do? Um,

Speaker 6: but don't you think it was a more of a plan scenario? I mean, wouldn't they? Yep,

Speaker 7: definitely. I do. Definitely. I do.

Speaker 6: Wouldn't there port foreign policy so then wouldn't therefore in Impala, it seems to me like the United States kinda dictates everything worldwide [00:19:00] anyway. And it seems like us foreign policy makers and they're not really the people that you see on the news a lot of times. I think it's people in the shadows who are not necessarily even seen, um, you know, shadow government if you will. Aren't they more several steps ahead of them typically? I mean, wouldn't that make sense that it would make sense to me that they, they would have already planned, mapped this out [00:19:30] cause this just, well, I don't know. It just seems kind of strange to me that Reagan could get, you know, stand there and say bring this wall down and Gorbachev is just going to say, Oh, okay, well, you know, we'll uh, you know, capitulate or whatever.

Speaker 7: Well, secretary of state, George Schultz had been working with Gorbachev all through the 80s. So yeah, I totally agree with you that the real power is behind the scenes and I think [00:20:00] the power that we see or that we perceive isn't really the real power. And I think the city of London has a lot more to do with guiding us policy than our own lawmakers. I, I think our Congress are really just a bunch of puppets, frankly. Yeah, I agree. I couldn't agree. Um, and this is what I, what I have been studying actually is the intelligence community and the, the reform [00:20:30] of intelligence. Um, because as I, as I listened to that program in 1990, and it will be in the show notes so that everybody can go listen to it, is that, um, with the state department and diplomacy being a function of the 20th century politics that began in 1945, it also collapsed, [00:21:00] you know, uh, and, but what the solution to that was, um, and they'd already apparently planned it out, was that Senator David Boren, he published an article or an opinion piece in the Washington post. And, uh, in 1990, this was 1990 calling for a new role in the world for the United States. And [00:21:30] what they, the suggestion was was that they were going to position economic officers in all of the embassies.

Speaker 7: And the idea was to, uh, facilitate an internationalization of our internationalization of capitalism, I should say. Because the minute they opened [00:22:00] our borders for capital to flow out and corporations to flow out, they were no longer American corporations as far as I'm concerned. Yeah. And especially since their behavior sense in a corporation exists to make money. And, uh, uh, somewhere I heard that like through, uh, two thirds of a corporation's [00:22:30] profits are, um, attained outside of the country. Well for a profit making corporation, their loyalty is where the money is. And that happens to be communist China, I guess.

Speaker 6: Well, any more corporations, and you mentioned that capitalism, but I don't think it's even true capitalism because honestly, um, anymore what corporations exist to do is feed off the masses. You've talked about how uh, the profits [00:23:00] are privatized and, and the S the liabilities are, are a socialized

Speaker 7: right? Costs are socialized, profits are privatized. And that that's a function of when the wall came down to they, um, uh, internationalized our, uh, internationalized capitalism. And, um, but throughout the 1980s, Reagan [00:23:30] had been privatizing government. And so privatizing the functions of government. Well, when you turn over a function to a private corporation like Lockheed, for example, Lockheed runs a lot of our, uh, government systems. You're handing over the power of government to a profit making corporation. Right? And what and what are they going to do with that power? They're going to make money with it. They're going to use [00:24:00] government power for profit.

Speaker 6: Well, and there's certainly not going to be altruistic about it. Uh, and I mean, if anybody had any notion that corporations, big corporations, it couldn't be altruistic. I mean, let's take a look at, uh, how the fact, the fact that many of our big tech companies are helping communist China, Oprah, they're people, you know, listen, let's look at the fact that Google over there is willing to, uh, you know, in order [00:24:30] to maintain its market share or whatever is willing to censor the web on behalf of the communist Chinese. I mean, these are things that are real issues. Yes. So, uh, you know, what do we think of corporate altruism? It's a myth.

Speaker 7: Yeah. It's totally a myth. And, and what they did at the same time was to, uh, enable corporations to create private foundations. And the private foundations are supposed to [00:25:00] take care of these social obligations of the, um, for profit corporation. Well, I mean, that is just such a lunatic asinine idea. I can't even, I can't even speak about it. Um, because on profit represents the interests of the corporation. Um, as, [00:25:30] as with the nonprofit representing itself as representing the interests of all the people.

Speaker 6: Yeah. Yeah. And incorporation shouldn't even be allowed to exist unless, unless they are a, a benefit to society. Uh, right. You know, one time that was the way it was

Speaker 7: AI program frontline on, on AI and the world, these tech corporations about five or six tech corporations, they are automating [00:26:00] everything. And um, it's, it's heartbreaking. You know, when they, they were showing some town, or I forget where it was, but um, in the mid West somewhere, the town has been destroyed and um, people are going to be destroyed. That's why they're going to be all hurted into the cities and uh,

Speaker 6: yeah, [00:26:30] the city, the smart cities, which are sustainable,

Speaker 7: it becomes like an Auschwitz. Your cities are going to become like an Auschwitz without the walls around it.

Speaker 6: That's right. Absolutely. Well, we've got the

Speaker 8: bottom of the hour break already. Vicky, I already blew through the first half hour. This has governed America. Ladies and gentlemen. We'll be back. We're just getting started. Govern is the website for the show. The techno credit is Vicky's website and you get your other site from there. We'll be back [00:27:00] in just a moment.

Speaker 9: Witness boots, go to find out what's really going on. This is governor America.

Speaker 8: Welcome back to govern America. Govern is the website for the show. Govern and Vicky Davis is website, the techno credit and channeling or you can get to her research, which is always [00:27:30] very intense and involved in deep and documented. That's the most important part of it. All. Very well documented research and information on the technocratic and channeling I'm looking at a, an article at Bloomberg. We're talking about how did communism really fall 30 years ago with the fall of the Berlin wall as we're told, and here we have population control groups wanting to kill people off listeners. Uh, Bloomberg [00:28:00] says 40 years ago, scientists from 50 nations converged on Geneva to discuss what was then called the CO2 climate problem. At the time with reliance on fossil fuels having helped trigger the 1979 oil crisis, they predicted global warming would eventually become a major environmental challenge.

Speaker 8: The scientists got to work building a strategy on how to attack the problem and laying the groundwork for the intergovernmental panel on climate change. The world's preeminent body of climate scientists, their [00:28:30] goal was to get ahead of the problem before it was too late. But after a fast start, the fossil fuel industry, politics and the prioritization of economic growth over planetary health slowed them down according to Bloomberg. Now they say four decades later, a large group of scientists. And who are these scientists? Listeners, who are these scientists? How many grants have they taken from on high to, to taint or, or to, uh, tarnish their views? [00:29:00] That's the question. How many, how many grants have they taken? How compromised are they? Okay,

Speaker 10: bye. [inaudible] nameless, faceless. I've gotta throw this in here. They, they are using American taxpayer money to destroy our society, to destroy our way of life. Yeah, absolutely. Saving the planet for who and, and this technology, this smart technology. [00:29:30] Who's benefiting those five companies. So they're slaving the world and ultimately it will get to population

Speaker 8: so well, that's where it's getting to that. That's the whole point of this article. This is now four decades later, a larger group of scientists is sounding another much more urgent alarm, more than 11,000 experts from around the world. Listen to this, Vicky, more than 11,000 quote unquote, experts from [00:30:00] around the world are now calling for a critical addition to the main strategy of dumping fossil fuels for renewable energy. There needs to be far fewer humans on the planet. [inaudible] quote, we declare with more than 11,000 scientific signatories from around the world, clearly and unequivocally, that planet earth is facing a climate emergency. On quote, the scientists wrote and he stark warning published Tuesday in the journal bio-science now he goes on from there. The point is, is that okay? I guess, [00:30:30] I guess in order to keep us all from dying, we have to somehow all die. This is what the logic is,

Speaker 6: but this is, this is Bloomberg, November 5th of this year. Just a few days ago. Then we have ALC. You know, ah, this is life news. November 7th, she's pushing it of course as well. Uh, you know, with a, as part of her green new deal and blah, blah blah. And I wouldn't even bother reading that. [00:31:00] It'll be in the show notes. The point is, is that they're taking the gloves off. We know that these extremist radicals have been doing this for a long time behind the scenes, you know, trying to whisper and push population control already. Babies are being villainized. They're put there, they're promoting the idea of dogs as having rights above and equal to humans. Uh, and, and, and now they're making it to the point where a dog, you know, they're, they're promoting pets as a, as a substitute for babies [00:31:30] so you can have a pet instead of having a baby. And that the whole idea is to get, you know, women away from, you know, cause women are natural nerd nurturers, but women couples to get them away from the idea of raising children and, and, and move that nurturing, um, instinct, shall we say over to something else.

Speaker 8: Well, dogs can be put to sleep. You know, when they, a dogs can be [inaudible] can be

Speaker 6: put to sleep, [00:32:00] but dogs have shorter lifespans and yeah, so this whole, this whole anti-people campaign, I mean this, it, we saw this coming years ago. I think this is marking the uh, the taking of the gloves off so to speak, in terms of the fight against humanity. This is a fight against our freedom. I look for the them in the future, especially in the democratic party, to be pushing, [00:32:30] uh, overtly for various population control methods. And I'm not just talking about birth control. I could see them trying to push for, you know,

Speaker 8: mandatory abortions in the coming days. Well that's what China did, right? Absolutely. And as we said, the China is the model. China is the model for the world. How many of the elites have said that years ago, I don't know if you've covered everything you wanted to do with the Berlin wall. I didn't want to sell that short

Speaker 10: bear to it [00:33:00] because I, because everything, that's when they started on this new path path towards the new world order. I put the date at 1990. That was when a German reunification took place. But it did start with the Berlin wall coming down, which is what enabled the reunification of Germany. [inaudible] and one of those scholars that I had been talking [00:33:30] about, uh, said that w what, uh, what this will mean in terms of, um, new, the new order so to speak. He didn't use those terms, but that's essentially, uh, what he was talking about was geopolitics. And he said that Germany and Japan would rise. Now, you know, they were, they were

Speaker 10: so with the [00:34:00] bringing down of the Berlin wall, um, that more or less set them free. And I do believe they did partner up, but he, what he said was that after world war two, they did not fight the, um, the constraints put on them that the U S put on them as the U S, you know, took control of their countries and guided them. What they [00:34:30] focused on instead was the economic side of things. And I was thinking about this this morning, you know what Japan did with the Toyota cars, the first Toyota cars that came into the country, they were really junky little metal heaps, but then at some point magically they'd turned into precision machines, really good, um, better than American cars actually [00:35:00] that were kind of like rattle.

Speaker 7: There were kind of like, I kind of think Germany had always been into, uh, precision engineering, precision metals, and I kind of suspect that Germany and Japan teamed up in, uh, what, what actually has come to be economic warfare, um, on the U S but we were just very, very slow [00:35:30] to recognize it. And I do have a basis for saying that because, uh, Germany and Japan, we're, we're partners basically in the, um, push for technology. Japan more was on the robotics side of things and Germany, you know, on the precision engineering. Yeah. And uh, so they were kind of teamed up [00:36:00] for the 1992 Rio conference as well. Oh, something I was going to tell you, I just found out recently that Margaret Thatcher was really the power behind the climate change.

Speaker 6: Yeah. I saw that video you sent, I didn't clip anything of it. Cause of the, I wish I had, I wish they had had a, a video of her speech without that. And then knowing music underneath it,

Speaker 7: uh, can probably, I can probably get one, but I just [00:36:30] , uh, you know, I can probably go out to C-SPAN and get one because I'm sure that's where they got it. But her speech was stunning because she, which is probably why we never really heard about it because she was very upfront about the fact that it was about population control. Yeah.

Speaker 6: Well, and it seems like now they don't care anymore. I mean you had all the, all the alarmism of Paul early X population bomb, which, you know, never came to pass. [00:37:00] And as so many others are these so called climate predictions of doom and gloom have never come to pass. And, and, and this whole scheme is being pushed. And, and how many people actually believe it? I don't know. Uh, you know, nobody around me believes it, but maybe I live in a bubble. I don't know. The point is though, is that winter has come here. I mean, it's been 25 degrees here. You know, if, if, and then they S [00:37:30] and you know, it's funny how the people who are the global warming promoters, the so called climate change promoters, uh, they said, well, there's a difference between weather and climate. It's like, yeah, that's what we've been trying to tell you for years.

Speaker 6: You know, it's funny how they can say that at U when it works in their favor, but when the argument goes the other way, uh, they try to make some kind of other point. There's no evidence that this stuff is going on. [00:38:00] There's no evidence of anthropogenic greenhouse warming is my point. Uh, when, when winter seems to have come, I, you know, you can barely get things winterized in time for the cold weather to get here because it sneaks up on you so fast. Uh, you know, I, I've got a house, we're way down in Alabama right now that I'm having a worry about was my dad's house. He's, he's in a nursing home now and so I've kind of got stuck dealing with this and I just had this conversation [00:38:30] with my sister yesterday about what we're going to do about the pipes and keeping the pipes because it's getting cold down there in the deep South.

Speaker 6: So I mean this, this insane stuff. As they're promoting, it's just not real. It's not based in reality but th but the agenda moves forward and they're going to push it like it is and to the point where they're going to tell you you need to have less children. You need to have, ultimately, I'm telling you this, this is where I think it's going to go. They're going to push [00:39:00] mandatory abortions here in the very same way that they pushed them in communist China. I think they're going to get a significant amount of pushback from the general population, but you know they have ways of softening the general population. It's going to be a constant media bombardment. They're going to, the CIA is going to put all of this stuff in your TV, shows your late night dramas in prime time, like they have everything else. [00:39:30] Uh, the Leer foundation is responsible for putting a lot of stuff in. Uh, in the TV shows, they bragged about it, they bragged about putting, uh, propaganda, and that's all you can call it as propaganda. The TV show, you know, you've got all these, uh, all these intelligence spook stuff going on. Uh, Homeland security stuff being put in on these dramas for people to digest and they think they're watching entertainment. [00:40:00] No, you're watching propagandistic crap, right? Social conditioning actually.

Speaker 10: Well, you know what, what started the, um, uh, co, the beginning of the end of the Berlin wall was the Helsinki final act that was signed in 1975 and they had three areas of cooperation. One was the security dimension. One was [00:40:30] the economic dimension, which, which was I think the internationalization of, uh, supposedly capitalism, but it really is, um, of fascist, um, fascism. That's fascism. Let's just say it. And then the third dimension is the human dimension. And I, I kind of suspect that the human dimension is one that they [00:41:00] have set up all these systems, like the healthcare system and the education system. And I think that those systems, health, education and labor systems will be the ones where they will call the population.

Speaker 6: Well, that seems to be the case. Uh, the healthcare system, especially right now, uh, mandatory vaccines and what have you, uh, you know, I, I come back to the bill Gates stuff, [00:41:30] you know, we played that audio from bill Gates over and again

Speaker 8: about how they're wanting to use,

Speaker 11: uh,

Speaker 8: poppy, you know, vaccines

Speaker 8: to control the population, right? Yeah. Well, we, it, we, it is first we've got population now if we do a really great job on new vaccines, healthcare, reproductive health services, we could lower that by perhaps 10 or 15%. So there is, there's where your population control [00:42:00] comes in. And this is, I think, one of the reasons why they are doing the major push right now on vaccines. They are, so I guess we could say they're already mandating population control, right? Calling the population through vaccination is one way. Yeah. Yeah, I mean this is the death of a thousand cuts. I definitely, I wanted to turn a corner [00:42:30] at some point and talk about this China police state stuff. Uh, the China tech conference. Okay. Because earlier we were talking about the smart cities initiatives that are sweeping the nation here. And a lot of this, uh, you know, the center for strategic and international studies held that panel discussion on China's use of technology against its own citizens.

Speaker 8: Uh, and they specifically focused upon Jenny's yang, [00:43:00] uh, which I guess is send yang. I don't, I don't know exactly how it's pronounced, but they pronounce it in here. Uh, did you want to discuss some of that? Yes, I have some audio of that. Uh, the, uh, this is Christina Larson. She's a reporter with the associated press. And again, they're talking about Chinese use of technologies against its own citizens. Now why should we care about China listeners? Well, because again, as we said, China is the test case. China, [00:43:30] everything that's being perfected in China. You know, we get, you know, people used to say about California. What happens in California today, happens into the rest of the country tomorrow. I believe that what happens in China today happens into the rest of the world, including the United States, uh, at a later date. And how long will it take? Well, it doesn't seem to be, um, it seems to be moving pretty fast. Let me just put it this way again. Christina Larson from the associated press

Speaker 12: in China. Um, there [00:44:00] there's been testing and I believe deployment of, um, police algorithms to work here.

Speaker 8: First of all, I have to say real quick here, uh, the audio, I don't know what's wrong with these people, why they can't. You think with all the money these think tanks have, they'd be able to hire people that know how to do audio. Uh, the audio and a couple of these I'm seeing it's just absolutely crap, but you have to bear with us. Uh, that is in the original. There's nothing we can do about

Speaker 12: [00:44:30] the cast who might commit future criminal activity based on different kinds of data gather. And there I should say there've been experiments with this in the United States as well. Now I can speak more about what's happening in the U S because, but it's, it's, it's a data question because basically you have more access to like what the control that data is and what actually happened. All of that is sort of hidden in China. So it's very difficult to evaluate the effectiveness. But in the U S you, [00:45:00] you might not be surprised to know that police algorithms that take into take into, uh, the datasets, things like past rates of incarceration have the tendency to predict that African Americans are more likely to commit crimes. And if we want to have a China context slips saying leaders. Now is that because these people are more likely to commit crimes or is this because they are the victims [00:45:30] of systematic racism or discrimination that makes them more likely to be locked up?

Speaker 12: Do you see, so there's no pure dataset. The data that you feed into something, the way you design the algorithms, shapes what will come out of it. There was also a study in either science or nature just two weeks ago about commercially deployed healthcare algorithms in the United States that found that they did a better job of predicting treatment plans [00:46:00] for white men than for any other group. Probably because more of the data that they've been using is drawn for white men than for any other group. So the idea that because something is an algorithm and a lot and it has a lot of data behind it, that it's more right or truthful, then another system of valuation is just, it's not true. And the reason that I can tell you about the biases with us examples again is, is because we have access to the [00:46:30] data behind things. I don't have access to the data behind policing algorithms used in Shinjuku. I mean crime rates are one of these stats in China that almost everybody thinks are deeply, deeply under-reported. But I couldn't tell you since the deployment ofX policy, the crime rate has gone up or down because we don't even know what the carpet is to begin with, let alone what it is afterwards. So my caution in terms of governance, especially in China, but [00:47:00] anywhere is you know that data and algorithms are fallible

Speaker 8: and yet they're being used increasingly for predictive policing and control of the general population. So what we're talking about here is we're talking about a future where literally everything you've done and then later on in this discussion they get into this social credit scoring system that is being used in China and it's experimental [00:47:30] spirit. You know, they're experimenting with it right now, but it's being perfected in China where they're freer to be able to experiment on the general population. That's partly why I think, I think there's a lot more cooperation between East and West. I think there's a lot more cooperation going on behind the scenes because it ultimately, it doesn't matter if you're a technocrat in the United States or if you're a technocrat [00:48:00] in China at that level, the technocrats have the same goal. And right.

Speaker 5: And then I think you could, I think you could throw Russia in. Yeah, yeah. I'm sure they have created a two class world there. There is the tech world and they're the ones that are making all of the money by developing the technology that's going to enslave and, or depopulate the rest of us. And, and it was possible [00:48:30] to see this, I mean, I saw it a long time ago with the education system, what they would be able to do with the systems and work history combined. Um, they would be able to discriminate against people without people even knowing about it because of a person that is the subject of a control system. Like that really is just [00:49:00] a puppet. I mean, they, um, they're, they're, they're like a, a person who is being guided through a maze. They really don't have, uh, choices because all of the choices are predetermined for them. Absolutely. A layer just guided through, through the maze to get there.

Speaker 8: We may have to interrupt this next clip, uh, because we're, uh, facing the top of the hour break. But, uh, but I'll start it. [inaudible] they're talking about the security [00:49:30] measures and send Jang, uh, total police, state listeners. Here's your, are wealthy in future, if the technocrats get their way. This is Josh's chin of the wall street journal talking about how the Chinese government has been rounding people up and putting them in camps and send Jang and describes the surveillance state. That's so shocking. He says you have to see it to believe it

Speaker 13: in 2017 but sitting young government spent around somewhere around a 9 billion us dollars on domestic security. [00:50:00] If you go to Xinjiang, I mean it's, it's anyone who's, who goes there now is, I mean almost everyone comes away with the same sort of sense of shock. I mean, it, it really, I mean including Chinese, uh, colleagues of mine who were initially skeptical of our reporting then went out there and came back. We're like the apps, it's actually, it's actually worse than what, than what you said. But what you noticed when you go there is it feels like a sort of high tech, um, like occupied territory. So there are, you immediately see [00:50:30] on the streets there are huge numbers of police. Even more soon. Doug has always had a large number of police and and, and armed police paramilitary troops, but vastly more. And then in addition to that, you see sort of the immediate thing you notice are kind of cameras everywhere.

Speaker 13: Um, and then also security checkpoints, right? Um, and so like anytime you, anywhere you want to go, uh, you have, if it's a hotel or a bank, uh, Bazaar, any, you know, obviously airports, bus stations, [00:51:00] almost any public place you have to pass through a security gate. Uh, and increasingly they're sort of high tech. They're not, you know, they, they have like a, a scanner for your ID card and you scan your ID card and then there's a camera that matches your ID card information with your face to verify that it's you. And of course they can use this information to sort of track where you go. Uh, and you, you really can't go anywhere without bringing your, your ID card these days. In the cameras. There's facial recognition technology, they're developing [00:51:30] things like gait recognition technology. So the way people walk is relatively unique. It's not fingerprint unique, but it's pretty, pretty good.

Speaker 13: And so you can be identified at a distance. They also have voice recognition. So it's kind of as, I mean, outside of, especially in public, it's like this, it's a pretty total, uh, total coverage. And one of the people we interviewed on our first trip was, it was a guy named [inaudible] who was a, a fruit vendor. Pretty poor guy, lived in kind of one of the slum areas. I had some run ins with the police after the, the ethnic riots [00:52:00] in a room T in, in 2009. The police had come around afterwards and were shutting down like stores and you know the shop and you'd like tried to stop them from like confiscating as good as I've been going to jail.

Speaker 8: Okay. I'm going to leave it right there. We'll pick it up. But this a store owner who is trying to keep the police from stealing his stuff basically. And we'll uh, we'll continue with this discussion on the other side of the top of the hour break. This is govern America. Darren weeks, Vicky Davis and you glad to have you along. We'll be back in a moment with our number two

Speaker 3: [00:52:30] [inaudible] [inaudible] [inaudible].

Speaker 2: We have before us [00:53:00] the opportunity to forge for ourselves and for future generations. A new world order you wrote or the new world order. This is a moment to seize. The kaleidoscope is being shaken. The pieces are in flux. Soon they will settle again before they do let us meet. Order this world around us. A new world order a world where the United nations is poised to fulfill the historic vision of its. Nevertheless United States if they make key position to shape [00:53:30] this. So that did prop them up to put venture. That should really be the emergence of a new international order of the 21st century, but I don't want it will be finished. The greatest restructuring of the global economy, greatest restructuring of the global economy. Greatest restructuring, the full global economy, a new logo that goes great.

Speaker 1: You documenting the dresses of our rebel. The very words secrecy is repugnant in a free and [00:54:00] open society. And we all are as a people inherently and historic opposed to secret society. The secret oats and the sacred proceedings waging war on the new world order and the councils of government when the guard, again, the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether thought Olin's done by the military, industrial complex. This is governor America with Darren weeks.

Speaker 4: David, [00:54:30] we are live on November 9th, 2019 this govern America. Vicky Davis is here. I'm Darren Weeks as we continue on talking about technocratic tyranny and the measures of control that are being used to control the populations of right now China, but ultimately the rest of the world on this 30 year anniversary of the death of communism. Listeners supposedly. But here we are again. Here we are again as we're seeing a worldwide [00:55:00] here and he built. So regardless of whether you call it communism, communitarianism a worldwide fascism, whatever you call the label, whatever, whatever the name is, uh, the point is, is as authoritarian to Talia, Terri and technol credit control. Uh, we're talking about

Speaker 8: the situation going on. Uh, this past week. I'm sharing audio here, uh, from a center for strategic and international studies. Uh, panel discussion. [00:55:30] One of the rare things, uh, you know, they, they came out, they come out with a lot of stuff. They [inaudible] this was actually a very good, um, discussion that they had and it really hit home into, you know, what exactly is being done over there. And, and I think it serves as a cautionary tale to the rest of the world is, you know, the free world, those, those of us who at least consider that cell of cells partially free or freer than others.

Speaker 10: Yeah. There are some, uh, think tanks to [00:56:00] watch and CSI S is one of them. [inaudible] the Atlantic council is another one. [inaudible] yeah, Brookings is another one. You know, they're, they're major posts. How many in Washington, D C but when you find the ones that are right on the critical topics, those are the ones to watch. Absolutely. Now, before

Speaker 8: the break, we were, uh, sharing audio from, uh, uh, the gentleman, uh, his name is Josh [00:56:30] chin. I believe he was talking about the, you was just getting into the hall this using as an example, uh, of some of what's being going, what's going on over there. A guy who had uh, he and owned a uh, business and there were riots that were taking place and he was trying to get the police. The police came around the Chinese, please, you know the peoples peoples please. We're coming around to uh, seize his assets, basically sees the things [00:57:00] from his stores. They closed down a number of businesses and his was one of them and they were trying to take his stuff and he was trying to get them to stop and they go on to talk about what he, the consequences he suffered as a result of that.

Speaker 13: The ethnic riots in her room, she in in 2009, the police had come around afterwards and were shutting down like stores and he owned the shop and you'd like tried to stop him from like confiscating his goods and been thrown in jail. He's like, Oh, it's like when you have, you tell me go anywhere. Whenever I scan my ID code, an alarm goes off. You know, a [00:57:30] few weeks ago, a couple of days before this started happening, I was called in because I had some overdue phones, some very happy overdue mobile phone bills. And when I went in there, like this woman pulled up my name and there was like a big, like red X across my face in the computer system. She showed it to me and she asked me what I'd done wrong and I had no idea. And then ever since then my ID card is set up alarms.

Speaker 13: And what we found out later through human rights watch is that this is unpaid mobile phone bills is in the system, uh, [00:58:00] in the algorithmic system that they have set up in Xinjiang is one of the data points that suggest someone is dangerous, right? If someone is a threat to society. Um, and so, and it just kind of drove him crazy. Right? I mean he was, he was trying to just recently remarried. His wife lived in his wife's family, lived in hotel in Southern sinned younger. You'd never been able to visit them cause he couldn't believe he was afraid to leave his neighborhood because he thought the police would pick him up. Um, and it was just, you could see it was, he was like, just come see them with anger. Uh, very, very upset. [00:58:30] Um, and he was so upset that he allowed us to shoot an interview with them on camera, which was just ended up being a little bit controversial but some people, but, but we had sort of asked him several times, are you sure you want to do this?

Speaker 13: And he was working here, we're gonna wait it all out. You can go back to jail and sort of stop. And he said he was so angry that we allowed us to, to film the name. And there's other people react differently. They're just much more afraid. And I think that's the, the more common reaction is just, it's just the sort of debilitating fear. Um, and people really don't, um, you [00:59:00] know, they sort of imagine that the government can see probably more than they can. Again, this gets to, you know, surveillance doesn't necessarily, data collection doesn't necessarily work the way it says that the government says it does or companies say it does, but the perception that it works that well all you really need in some cases. And so, and a lot of leaders just, um, they, they assume they're kind of under constant surveillance even in their own homes. And it's a, it has a really a, a really, um, kind of brutal effect on their, [00:59:30] on their psychology.

Speaker 8: You know, Vicky, this reminds me so much of the phrase these, the passage in Orwell's book, 1984, how everybody was always, always lived in fear of big brother. You didn't know if big brother was on your wire. The wire that goes into your home to wa, to the telescreen, which monitored everything you did. You never knew when big brother was listening or watching, but you always, everyone always lived with [01:00:00] the knowledge that he could be. Everyone always lived with a knowledge that at any time, at any moment a big brother could be there, the party could be watching and, and you lived that way. You adapted your behavior that way? I looked for that passage. I tried to find that and um, wasn't able to it cause I was going to, I've, I read it on the show before but it's very relevant and then you can see the world forming around us. You know, years ago when they, when, when [01:00:30] George Orwell wrote that he, they didn't have the technology to be able to accomplish this the way they do now. Now with the advent of the worldwide web and there's a reason why they call it a worldwide web. Uh, now they have the tech technology to be able to pull all of the surveillance stuff off

Speaker 10: [inaudible] well, and what the guy said is kind of misleading. He said, he said the systems are, are not as good as people think they are. [01:01:00] Well that's for the moment. But systems, once they are developed, they are continually improving them, building on them.

Speaker 8: Well I didn't even interpret it that way. The way I interpreted it is they, they may not think, I mean they may imagine, what do I think what he's saying there is, is they may imagine that it's even worse than it really is.

Speaker 10: Well, yes, but that's what, that's my point. He's, he's saying that the, the systems are not that good or not, [01:01:30] not as good as what people think they are. And my point is not yet perhaps, but they will be.

Speaker 8: The idea though is that the self modification, the behavior for behavior modification purposes, they don't need to be that good for behavior modification purposes. If you think that somebody is watching that's going to do a lot of damage to you. It's kind of like a, I don't know, it's like [01:02:00] these, these, these dogs with these invisible fences. Uh, it's a good analogy. You know, you train, you train the dog, you, you take the dog around to the, uh, borders of where the, the wiring or whatever it is that causes that collared to shock the dog. You take them around the borders and show them where the borders are. You know, after a while you could potentially take that collar off that dog because that dog will not [01:02:30] breach that border. That dog has become a prisoner in his own mind. And it's kind of like this with the electronic Tierney, uh, the population will become a prisoner in their own mind to the point where they will self-govern they will limit themselves,

Speaker 10: but that won't stop the development, the continued development of the systems to make them better and better and better.

Speaker 8: Correct. Absolutely. Um, [01:03:00] so they go on the communist Chinese, they get go on to talk about Uganda and how the communist Chinese are exporting the police stack to state tactics to the rest of the world. Uh, the Chinese have been very, very active in Africa and it's very interesting to hear how they're working with other countries to control their populations. And again, this is a reason why we need to be, uh, realizing what's going on behind the scenes with regard to the United [01:03:30] States

Speaker 13: to the end. So my colleagues kind of poking around and they stumbled on too. I mean, well they, they dug up, uh, this amazing story about Huawei, um, in Uganda and other places, but provided primarily we were concentrating on Uganda, uh, while we basically it's sold, um, with selling blue, what they call safe city systems, um, which are, uh, you know, they're essentially urban surveillance police [01:04:00] scene and all of that. There's a little bit of, I mean, it's not quite clear how much predictive policing there is. Um, but there's a, there's definitely a lot. Yeah.

Speaker 8: Now, let me just pause it right there. Isn't that amazing, Vicky? We've been talking about safe cities and I think there's an actual program here in the United States by that title, if I recall. Yeah. We've been talking about predictive policing on this broadcast for how long? Quite a while. I've been talking about it for forever. Yeah, quite a while. And you know, they're talking about this on these, in these think tanks [01:04:30] in China, like this is cutting edge technology just being developed. So I don't think, my point is, I guess I don't think the United States is as far behind communist China as people think they are. I think we're right up there with them. This research

Speaker 10: I have, no, no. The intelligence community is what's driving this whole thing. Law enforcement, the department of justice. Um, and [01:05:00] every system, if you picture the, the, this technocratic system as an umbrella, there are different lines that come off of it. You know, you've got the energy, you have police state, you've got, um, the, um, road technology, you've got hospitals and medical records, you've got education. All of these threads [01:05:30] are under the technocratic umbrella and they all interface at the top. That's where you have the fusion centers is at the top. And um, so they all go, go together. Now, um, China is marketing these systems, as you say, in Uganda, under the label of safe city. Uh, but in other places they are implementing [01:06:00] the system for healthcare. See, once you, once you get to tell a communications infrastructure in there, it's just an evolutionary process of plugging in the different various technocratic systems for, for the police state. Yup. Yup. Exactly.

Speaker 13: Urban surveillance, police scene and all that. There's a little bit of, I mean it's not quite clear how much predictive policing there is. Um, but there's like, there's definitely a lot of video surveillance [01:06:30] and you know, it's such a, it's basically what, what Chinese police are doing. Right. Um, and so while we install the system in Uganda, uh, and the Copa, there are a couple of interesting things about it. One of them was it, uh, we found out that um, while employees were had, we're working sort of word like stationed inside that you got into police department and didn't helping, uh, had actually helped hack into the what's app, uh, account of the main opposition politicians. [01:07:00] This guy that you usually use, a musician named Bobby whine. He was sort of who's really frightened. The current regime that was 70 regime you got into because he's, cause he's got all the young people behind him.

Speaker 13: And so they bill by the way, technicians actually, yeah, the Uganda police couldn't figure out if they bought some, some spyware from Israel and couldn't figure out how to use it in the hallway. Technicians were like, Oh yeah, give us, give it to us. And let us see what we can do. And two days later, they had cracked his, his WhatsApp and were able to sort of break up this concept that he was gonna hold. Um, [01:07:30] uh, and then in addition to that was what was also interesting, I think probably maybe more interesting for the topic of, in the context of this discussion is that the, um, through the entire process, the, uh, the Chinese embassy was involved right in sort of helping set up and help make the sales pitch. And so senior official from the Chinese embassy and you got, uh, uh, met with the chief of police, took a delegation of Ugandan police to Beijing when they went to the ministry of public securities building on new [01:08:00] tenement square and did a whole, and they got a whole presentation on how the Chinese police used surveillance systems. Um, and then they, then they went down to he, he then took them down to Chen gentle always headquarters where they got the pitch there.

Speaker 10: Yeah. Isn't it interesting that Jen is the

Speaker 8: headquarters of Walway? I didn't catch that the first time around.

Speaker 10: Yeah. Well, I think shin Jenn is, um, a, uh, commerce zone, you know, one of those special [01:08:30] technology hubs for, um, w where J where the governments, including our own, they designate these hubs for technology development. Right. And they, and the corporations that, um, move in there, they're given all kinds of subsidies and breaks and things for, for the development. So that's where you get the, I'm socializing the cost [01:09:00] and privatizing the profit and the partnership between the corporations that are building the technology, the police, state technology and the government.

Speaker 8: Yeah. Public private partnerships. And they have that over there. For some reason, I, it's must be the day that this must be an era that we're having more and more phone calls during the show for some reason. Anyway [01:09:30] , uh, the, uh, keto Keefe describes Chinese military civil fusion. You know, we were talking about public private partnerships as we often do. And, and Chinese military civil fusion is an example of a, of public private partnership.

Speaker 14: But I mean in its most basic form, it's just, you know, China's trying to upgrade their military and they're trying to use the combined resources of state owned firms and research institutes and [01:10:00] uh, so-called private sector firms in China. Right? So a lot of people when they hear about that, they're sort of immediate reaction is like, well that sounds like what we have here in the U S with the military industrial complex. You did talk to some us officials about that and one of the top state department officials sort of said, no, it's totally different because

Speaker 8: it's totally different cause we're doing it in the United States. Uh, was there, you know, we're, we're very different over here.

Speaker 14: Like in the U S yes, we have military contractors, but we don't force them to work with us. [01:10:30] Right. They can pursue their own commercial, uh, strategies. Right. And then if what they're doing makes sense with what we're doing, then we have a deal. Whereas,

Speaker 8: okay. So we don't force them to work with us. No, we just hold the carrot over their head as a profit motive to get them to work with us. But it's very different public private partnerships here then

Speaker 10: that I have, I have documentation on civil military integration that goes back to the, [01:11:00] I think the 1980s or, or early 1990s. It might've even been after the Berlin wall came down, uh, because, because one of the, um, geopolitical policies to collapse was that we needed a military. They thought because they were only looking at, at power in terms of nuclear weapons [01:11:30] and they, they didn't look beyond the nuclear weapon for any other elements of power that might be out there. And I think that was intentional. Um, so the, so that they could, uh, have military to military, uh, engagement U S military to Soviet militarian, um, East German military and so forth. And, um, so [01:12:00] the idea was that we no longer were never going to have great power war anymore. So we will just merge the civilian law enforcement with military. Yeah. And have a global police force. And that's exactly what our military has been doing over in the middle East is training the global para military force.

Speaker 8: Yeah. [01:12:30] And that, this is why, I mean, the thing is, is that we have like posse Comitatus law here in the United States for a reason. I mean there's a danger involved in using military police against the civilian population

Speaker 10: if they get around that by merging behind the shield of a law enforcement. Yeah.

Speaker 8: Yeah. And, and, and your local law enforcement is getting military gear from the federal government, uh, along with Jack boots that they can use to [inaudible].

Speaker 10: [01:13:00] Well, [inaudible] I'll tell you another way that they get around that is on the corridors we've talked about this, the corridors that go from a body of water, uh, inland, um, by defining those as shipping corridors and the Terminus as a port, either an airport or um, uh, uh, a transportation hub, you can then bring in the coast guard. Coast guard is, is [01:13:30] a hybrid of military and civilian law enforcement wrapped up into one

Speaker 8: bringing Admiralty law, which governs maritime matters into the space of the United States land inland.

Speaker 10: Yes. But you know what, they, they encoded all of that in the GATT agreements, the generalized agreement on trade and tariffs. So, so they've got it covered both ways. You know, you, they [01:14:00] don't call it Admiral T and if you say Admiralty law, they say you conspiracy theorist, but it, but if you look at GAT article five, it's there. Yeah. Well

Speaker 8: we can theorize about being, we can be conspiracy theories from, you know, they can call names, uh, for as long as the day is. The point is, is that all of the evidence of the conspiracy is right there in the show open. I mean, Oh, you know, you new world order crackpots you, you, you always talk about new world loader. Well, what [01:14:30] about the people that are actually doing it? Talking about how they want to form it. Uh, are they conspiracy theorists too? No, they're the conspiracy perpetrators. Yeah. They're all the world leaders. The people that are the faces and the cameras on and on. These talk shows that are hosted by a CFR spooks and try letter or commission members and people from the Royal Institute for international affairs. Anyway, sorry, got off on a tangent. I guess get back to the audio.

Speaker 14: This, this issue [01:15:00] in China, um, is that I guess the government sort of telling these private sector firms, Hey, you're going to help us build military. And so it's a different different thing. And the other point, this, this concept of blending, um, you know, state and civilian technology and trying to, to, to improve the military has been around for a while for sure. But the reason, there's several reasons why I think right now it's of greater concern to the U S strategically. Um, one of which is just the fact that a lot of [01:15:30] Chinese companies are a lot more active now in the international, uh, sphere, right? And so they're able to do a bunch more business deals with like you less European Kadian whatever companies. Um, and these companies in some cases might not even realize that, you know, they may be helping build China's military cause they might think that they're working with just like a private firm in China.

Speaker 14: Um, I think there's certainly a lot of companies soon, very well know who they're working with. Um, but you know, it's a case by [01:16:00] case basis. And the other issue is just the nature of, um, technology, you know, dual use technology these, these days, right? So now you're just seeing a lot more, uh, civilian technology that has ready applications for the military, right? So, you know, obviously AI, drones, this kind of stuff, you know, it's not just about tanks and cannons and that type of thing anymore. It's about like what you would in most contexts consider consumer technology, right? And then that has a military application. So Beijing Highlander is a good example [01:16:30] of how this works in practice. This was a company that was presenting itself on, you know, English. Their English language website is just like, you know, Chinese firm is just out there in the world doing business for itself. Uh, but then when you look on the Chinese language version of the same website, you've see them brag about how they're helping the military. They've got all these awards from the government. You know, they, they very much firmly present themselves as actively participating [01:17:00] in this military civil fusion strategy. But for about 15 years, they were going around the world. I'm around Europe, Canada, doing a bunch of deals with companies and uh, then they ended up using a lot of that technology to, um, help China's military, including, um, helping build a first aircraft carrier.

Speaker 8: So they're adapting basically like a shape shifter to whatever environment, uh, having, uh, having, you know, marketing themselves in English as, Oh, we're just another Chinese firm. [01:17:30] And yet, uh, in Chinese they're bragging about how they're helping the government helping the building, uh, military helping to further the reach of the communistic totalitarian authoritarian regime.

Speaker 7: Yeah. The, um, on, uh, October 29th, there was a, a woman, uh, her name is Yvette Clark and she is vice chair, I guess, of the house of representatives, energy and commerce [01:18:00] committee. But, um, she, the way she was talking about this technology, it's almost like you've, like, she only sees a top side to it. She doesn't see or doesn't understand the bottom side of it, the downside of it. And so she's very, um, pro this technology, which is frightening things [01:18:30] since she's a member of calmer of, uh, Congress. But, um, she's totally for this technology and it, as I was watching our is thinking the people in this country, I don't think the leaders of our country today are as smart as the leaders were after world war II or before world war II. And, and I think maybe it has [01:19:00] to do with adversity. You know, the, uh, people who lived before and through world war two, they lived through adversity. And I don't think that people in our country today have that instinct for survival that comes from having lived through adversity.

Speaker 8: Are you suggesting they dumb down our politicians?

Speaker 7: [01:19:30] Okay.

Speaker 8: You know, I, as somebody who might be labeled a conspiracy theorist, I got to tell you that I think that a lot of our politicians are picked for us and we're a, we're allowed to pick from among the ones that are picked to be put on the ballots. And it could very well be, I'm not saying this is the case, but it could very well be that the politicians that are being picked are deliberately being picked because they're stupid [01:20:00] and because they're controllable. And at the end of the day those are the, that's that's result that they're very easily manipulated into whatever mold and shape that those that are planning things behind the scenes want to

Speaker 7: manipulate them. I don't want that. That's what this woman reminded me of. She was kind of like a Pollyanna and she said, Oh, and the CIA and the FBI are helping us. [01:20:30] No, boy are they helping us this technology. Yeah. I I'll, I'll think I'll refrain from that help. Thank you very much. Tell you what we got the bottom of the hour break. We'll continue with the audio and everything else on the other side. Stay with us folks. This discovered America during weeks. Vicky Davis and we'll be back in a moment

Speaker 9: where the spooks go to find out what's really going on. This is govern America

Speaker 3: [01:21:00] [inaudible]

Speaker 8: and we're back. This is governed America as we continue on here on the fastest three hours of talk radio and a Vicky Davis is here as well. I'm during weeks as we continue on here having a discussion about technocratic tyranny and how China is leading the way, although really [01:21:30] are they, are they leading the way listeners, uh, when we have U S corporations building weapons for the communist Chinese, uh, to use against the United States. But what is being built over there, uh, ultimately will be, will it be used against us here? You know, they, they, they had discussion about AMD, the chip manufacturer, uh, that competes with Intel and how AMD was using it was nearly nearing bankruptcy. Well, I'll just go ahead and play [01:22:00] the audio cause I think she explained it pretty well here.

Speaker 14: As you all know, probably AMD is, you know, one of the U S is top chip makers. Um, they and Intel are the only two chip makers in the world that are making the state of the art. Um, x86 chip, which is really a foundational technology. A few years ago, Andy was really on the rocks financially and they made a deal with a Chinese military contractor to help them build it. X86 chips. And [01:22:30] now, uh, a bunch of experts that we've interviewed for this piece believe that China is using the resulting chips from that joint venture in was, is believed to be the world's fastest super computer. So, you know, this deal ended up really saving AMD from, uh, what somebody else believe was imminent bankruptcy. Uh, but at the same time, now we're seeing, you know, a very, very coveted technology, um, emerge in something that, uh, could potentially [01:23:00] be very dangerous for us national interests.

Speaker 8: So once again, we have U S corporations, which aren't really U S at all. They're multinational corporations, but they're, we've, we talked about how Google and you know, another and other companies have used, you know, have censored their results on, on, on the search. Uh, and they have changed things. You know, the Facebook changes things, they, they help the authoritarian regime, whichever, whatever Thor Attarian regime [01:23:30] it happens to be, to control their people. And here we have an example with AMD developing technology for the Chinese for which is, which is then used in a super con computer. So it's this, this technology transfer. And I hear that some of these agreements that we forge with other con con countries in, you know, a under the guise of free trade, how they're going to be [01:24:00] technology transfer is often implemented in those free trade agreements. Um, in fact, that's a component of agenda 21, uh, technology transfer. So we're giving them everything they need to defeat us. But that's right. But this, this, this I, and I think the reason why we're doing that w I say we, it was not us. It's not the people. The people are largely ignorant of it. But I think the reason why this is being done is because it doesn't matter at the highest [01:24:30] levels of power. It doesn't matter who has the technology because ultimately the systems of control are universal.

Speaker 5: The global systems, global systems, the intelligence community began building global systems and, uh, Goodall live in a one world market economy and that everybody [01:25:00] was going to be all happy. And because, uh, capitalist countries that trade with each other or countries that trade with each other don't make war. Right. Yeah. Well that's pretty delusional actually.

Speaker 8: Cause I think we're headed toward a war. Uh, I think with all of the bullying that's being done with our foreign policy, uh, and, and, you know, on certain levels there used to be some cooperation. Uh, more and more, I, I [01:25:30] see this blatant push to, to, uh, overthrow regimes to the point where now it's just sanctions are being thrown on countries like, like it's nothing anymore economic [inaudible] because,

Speaker 5: because they're building the global systems, they've got to the SC, they, they only have a, a brief window of opportunity to get these global systems into place because once the majority of [01:26:00] the populations understand exactly being done, um, I do think that they would bring these corporations down. As a matter of fact, in that program that I was watching on frontline, uh, there was a guy who said that no, that, um, they're, they're worried about it and they should be. Because knowing what I know about it, I would take them all out and put them up against a wall, [01:26:30] frankly. Yeah, I agree.

Speaker 8: I agree. I'm moving along here. Uh, now did the punchline of this particular hearing, are they, again, they talk about China's social scoring, social credit scoring system. Now folks, here's the thing about this. Uh, we have the, uh, Experian. We have, uh, you know, the three companies who grade people on their credit scoring and already now therefore they're [01:27:00] getting into their, they're getting this offering incentives, I guess you could say to people to allow them to look into your social media accounts. I forget which company it was that that's doing that, but you know, TransUnion, Equifax, and Experian increasingly are going to be looking at different ways of getting more and more of your data. I mean, it's not, not, you know, it's not enough that they have your economic data, but they're, they want your behavioral data. This is a, [01:27:30] a way for this social credit scoring system to be adopted right here in the United States. And I'll tell you the key thing that keeps playing on my mind over and over again is that quote from George Orwell's book, 1984, you want to, you want a vision of, of the future, then imagine a boot stamping on the human face forever. That's your vision of the future. And that every time we'd have the one of these discussions about all this technocracy stuff, [01:28:00] that is exactly what I think about.

Speaker 12: So basically I think we first began hanging out with social credit system around 2014 the basically what there is, is a series of blacklists that are controlled by different entities and that are interlinked. So for example, um, human rights watch is tracked. People or heard from people who maybe have been a drug offender, have been human rights lawyers, something that's gotten them flagged in the system [01:28:30] and have been unable to buy train tickets or plane tickets or tickets or uh, make certain hotel reservations because they've been, um, you know, flagged in one part of the system is denies their ability to do something else. And there, I think that this will expand. I do think there, I should also say there are couple of examples. There's one city, yes. Um, the headache experimented with having [01:29:00] an actual, so I think you started at maybe a thousand points and you could lose points if you don't pay bills on time and maybe you gain points if you like help help grandma or something. There is a desire multiple levels of government to figure out how to score people and how to prohibit people from doing certain things as to the final form of that. We don't know yet. Um, but I think this is an example of where [01:29:30] Hido again toward the governance question being ma, much of what Josh talked about and the problems of technology is really about fear based technology surveillance.

Speaker 13: Important thing to note about the social credit system as it exists now. Um, as Christine said, it's very much kind of embryonic. Uh, and so the black lists are, these are systems that are based in the legal system, right? So if you have a, um, some sort of administrative penalty or civil panel penalty, you [01:30:00] know that a court is imposed on you, then you can end up on one of several black lists and be punished for multiple things, right? So if you, there's a civil judgment, you lose a civil suit and you owe someone, you know, $10,000 and you don't pay that money, then you end up on a black list and you can't buy train tickets or plane tickets and whatnot. But it's very much rooted in the, in the legal system. So even like the cases where like a human rights lawyer ends up on these black lists, I mean, it's talked up, right?

Speaker 13: But like, I, I'm, I'm not, there's [01:30:30] one, one example of particular I think that people tend to refer to, and this was a guy who local officials just made up some sort of, basically made up a charge, uh, that he was convicted of. And that's what got him on the black list. So they're not, it's not, it's not black mirror yet, right? It's not that like everyone's walking around and being judged constantly by this like data network and then being punished. And there's, there's quite a bit of debate about whether, I mean, I personally, I think if you read the Chinese government's the commies parties, documents, [01:31:00] they, they would both to get there. Um, and why not? Right? It's a great system of, of sort of nudging and controlling society that doesn't require you to like crack people in the head with truncheons.

Speaker 7: Okay. Have you got any thoughts on that? And this kind of, um, monitoring and flagging. It's going to begin in kindergarten because they changed the, uh, the evaluation system to be an assessment. [01:31:30] So I don't know how well you behaved in the fifth grade, but um, say you didn't behave very well in the fifth grade. You, you know, acted like a typical boy and the teacher didn't like you. She could put an assessment in your school record that will follow you the whole, your whole life. Well, already already that's happening with the, I mean is just look at Facebook. How many kids have Facebook today? How many kids have Instagram

Speaker 8: [01:32:00] accounts today? How many kids have other social media things that, that are there indefinitely. And you know, they post additional material all the time and the old stuff goes into some black hole somewhere where it's just kind of there hanging in there in the background. Uh, but it's, but it never really goes away. It's just there and you know, periodically on the anniversary, I'm some [inaudible] some date, some event from the past we'll resurface [01:32:30] and say, Hey, it was on this date that you are doing this. You know, uh, but, but, but how many embarrassing things have, have people done that they may have posted on Facebook or someone else may have posted on your behalf? You know, because you may not have posted it, but somebody else could have posted it. The point is, is that all of these things stay there and yeah. And they can come back.

Speaker 7: It's a forever record and it makes the technology [01:33:00] people that have this data effectively gods on earth because they can decide your fate.

Speaker 8: Yes. If you ever decide to run for political office, if you ever decide to do anything of substance to impact society, all of a sudden this dirty laundry comes out. [inaudible] I mean, look how far back they went with the Cavenaugh thing. Perfect example of that.

Speaker 7: Yeah. And how did that, [01:33:30] how did that happen? There was a, there was a legislator here in Idaho, the [inaudible]

Speaker 8: that what

Speaker 7: in another state, he was exonerated when the woman admitted that she lied, but it didn't make any difference. That information was pulled out and only half the story told. And then, and then how do you correct the record with the, the damage to a reputation [01:34:00] is there and, and there's no way to recover it. Right. And so, and I know that what they did when they started in this, this, um, the fusion centers systems, the umbrella that I was telling you about that includes, of course, your police records. And I know they went back and imaged all of the, um, records of police departments and Sheriff's [01:34:30] departments records as far back as their records go probably. And then the, um, uh, department of justice in their science and technology section, they set up a cold case division, you know, to go solve these cold cases using the new technologies. Well, what they're doing is they're digging up dirt on, uh,

Speaker 10: people who, you know, [01:35:00] maybe, you know, this one particular guy wasn't guilty, he was just, he was a victim. But even if a person was guilty of something, they did something stupid when they were under 18. Those records were supposed to be sealed, but everything got unsealed as they imaged these records. Yeah. It's just, it's so heinous as so

Speaker 8: [inaudible] or, well, UNE is the word. Yeah. [01:35:30] It is incredibly Orwellian the society that is being built and, and that we already have in many respects. Uh, there was also an event held by new America. I've got audio from that as well, uh, where it featured Jesse Morton, uh, an FBI informant, uh, former Al Qaeda recruiter and propagandist.

Speaker 10: Yeah. Isn't that interesting? He was recruiting for Al Qaeda. Yeah. That, that just blew me away.

Speaker 8: Yeah. And isn't it fascinating how Archiva, [01:36:00] uh, where, where do these terrorist networks come from? You know, uh, they have used, yes, the CIA also, they, they're used by the intelligence establishment. And here, here you have a guy who was working for that. He, you know, I mean, it's not controversial to say that he admits it. I mean, that's part of his bio. He recruiting for Al-Qaida recruiting for a terrorist group. Now he's ahead of something called parallel networks, which [01:36:30] is supposedly establishing some form of intervention to try to get people out of these terrorist groups.

Speaker 10: Right. So they recruit them and then they intervene and try to get them out of it. I mean, it's just so, yeah.

Speaker 8: He went through a number of components that he and his group had been working on, including the launching of magazines and online engagements of, of terrorist and terrorist or groups. [01:37:00] Uh, you know, he, there's a lot, a lot of talk about Neo Nazi groups and things like that, but I, I always am interesting. I, I'm always engaged. My attention is engaged when I hear them talking about these terrorist and extremist groups because how do you define terrorism and extremism? That's the problem because obviously I don't, I don't adhere to Neo Nazi. [01:37:30] Uh, what do you call it? Ideology. I don't even hear it.

Speaker 10: There are very many people that do.

Speaker 8: Yeah. They're a small minority. And, and, and of those groups, and even these people on this panel would say that the people, a lot of the people in the groups, they don't, they're not on the edge of committing any extreme act of violence. The problem is at what point does the first amendment began and [01:38:00] your ideology of hate speech, you know, the problem is they have the right to say whatever they want to say. [inaudible]

Speaker 10: but, well, and if the FBI is sending people out to recruit them for this, these groups, that's entrapment. Yes. Because without that recruiter, there wouldn't be a group to join and they wouldn't be doing it. So I mean, it's like they're out creating, creating [01:38:30] the very thing that they're going to catch, I mean, is, and we know that they did

Speaker 8: do that. That's not conspiracy theory. We know, I've covered countless articles on this very show where, I mean the right in the mainstream media news, right in the press, they, they come out and say that they, uh, you know, and I, I they don't put it exactly in my words where they take them by the hand and lead them through the process. They describe how the FBI caught it, [01:39:00] caught them, quote unquote caught them. And, and, and, and, and in that description, it's like, okay, yeah, they, they just took this person who was mentally ill in the first place. I mean, when you're mentally ill, you're easily to be easy to be manipulated. So you take it, find a mental ill person, and then you say, Hey, you know, uh, here's what you can do. Want to earn some money. You wanna, you know, why don't you cooperate with us? And you give them a fake bomb or something and, you know, [01:39:30] push this button on this cell phone and Hey, we slapped the cuffs on you. Congratulations. You're a terrorist. We're pulling you away. We're going to put you in some dark hole for a very, very, very long time, actually. The rest of your life. Congratulations. You know, and, and all of this is being done supposedly to, uh, you know, bolster their anti-terrorism budget.

Speaker 10: Well, yes, every time anything happens, it's, you know, budget increase because they found something. Yes. They [01:40:00] never finds it. They created it, they found it.

Speaker 8: Well, we have to have some justification for spending all this money. So if you have nothing to show for the money, then why are we spending all of this money

Speaker 10: so well that that's not the same time. I like to point out about all of this technology is that it's all government funded because there is no market for it. There's no market for police, state technology except for the [01:40:30] government. You know, I come back to this, um,

Speaker 8: what was his name? [inaudible]. There was a guy who produced documentaries for the BBC. They aired on the BBC anyway, but the documentary is called the power of nightmares.

Speaker 10: Oh yeah, I know Adam Curtis. Adam Curtis. Thank you. And it was, it was on something.

Speaker 8: Adam Curtis did an excellent job with the power of nightmares, the rise of the politics [01:41:00] of fear. If you have not watched that listeners, you need to find that documentary. You can watch it online. The power of nightmares, the rise of the politics of fear because it goes through, you know, with regard to nine 11 and all of this, uh, boogeyman stuff that's being built up. It talks about how there was no evidence, a case by case. It's focused on the George W. Bush administration because that was the, that was where a lot of this stuff really, uh, started to really be [01:41:30] pushed in a major way after nine 11 being the springboard for a lot of these different regime change Wars and things like that. But they had the, the beat up that beat the drum of fear into the people to allow them to go along, to get them to go along with all of these regime change Wars and things like that to push the agenda. And, um, they went through and investigated a lot of the claims of the administration about how there was, you know, there's this boogeyman hiding [01:42:00] in the bed over here and there's a terrorist over there. And you know, somebody who's hiding into your closet very much the same stuff that they're talking about with Vladimir Putin today. Isn't that interesting? You know, we've went from Osama bin Laden to a Sama bin, Putin, and many reasons.

Speaker 5: I watched a program about veterans the other night, and it was a PBS program and there was a veteran, he'd been injured over there. And he said [01:42:30] when he came back and he saw George W. Bush at that, a formal dinner, you know, where he made a joke out of WMD here? No, over here. No. Um, he, he said that hurt, that hurt and that, and that made me hurt, you know, because it, uh, when you think about all these young, uh, soldiers, all [01:43:00] these young people, they thought they were fighting for our country and they really weren't. They were not fighting for our country. They were fighting for the intelligence community's police state for the global police state that is going to enslave their own children.

Speaker 8: Yes. And it's like, I'm Arthur Schlesinger jr and foreign affairs council, the flagship [01:43:30] publication for the council on foreign relations said in defense of the world order us soldiers will have to kill and be killed. You know, we're not going to have a world order without first paying for it and blood words and money.

Speaker 5: Yeah. Did they, did anybody ever ask you, Darrin, do you want a new

Speaker 8: world order? No. Dude, nobody ever asked me is there no, and nobody ever asked anybody in the general population. They just took it [01:44:00] upon themselves to do it. And we're supposed to believe that we are governed by ourselves. We're supposed to believe that somehow by hanging the word democracy, quote unquote, democracy upon the general population, that somehow that means that we've consented to our own enslavement. It's, it's outrageous.

Speaker 8: We're almost up to the top of the hour already. [01:44:30] Time flies as dairy. Brownfield says whether or not you're having fun. In this case, I'm enjoying the discussion, but uh, you know, I want to get into the, there was an event held by a group called the new America. I, you know, I mentioned that earlier and, and Jesse Morton, this FBI informant, I'll keto recruiter and propagandists now the founder of parallel networks. Uh, you know, I don't want to start this. You really, and since we're so close to the break, we probably should just go [01:45:00] ahead and take the break and then you get into this after. Let me say this about the new America foundation. It's, it's one to watch because uh, they are, they are right at the center of the technocratic tyranny. Yes. New America was a not a name by accident. That's really mean it. I don't, you know, that's the thing again, you were talking about how did they ever ask the people, [01:45:30] you know, I don't recall being asked whether I want to new America. I, you know what, I kinda liked the old one, you know the one that was based like the old one and I want it back. The one that was based on this document here called the constitution. Yeah. That one. I kinda, I kinda would like to have that one back. Thank you very much. Alright. Top of the hour. We'll be back in a moment. This is going [inaudible]

Speaker 3: in America.

Speaker 8: Hmm

Speaker 3: [01:46:00] [inaudible] [inaudible] have before us the opportunity to forge for ourselves and for future generations. [01:46:30] A new world order you wrote for the new world order. This is a moment to seize. The kaleidoscope has been shaken. The pieces are in flux, seen Nagel settled again before they do let us meet. Order this world around us or new world. Order a world where the United nations is poised to fulfill the historic vision of its founders.

Speaker 2: Nevertheless, United States, if they may keep a vision to shape this so that the platinum have to push regimented to really be the [01:47:00] emergence of a new international order. Investigate of the 21st century. But I don't want to, we'll be fingered the greatest restructuring of the global economy. Great. This restructuring of the global economy, greatest restructuring of the global economy and new logo, the both of created

Speaker 1: documenting the graces of our rebel. We're very worried. Secrecy is repugnant in a free and open society and we are as a people inherently and [01:47:30] historically opposed to secret society. The secret, Oh, and the sacred proceedings waging war on the new world order and the council when the guard, again, the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether it's dot orange dot. By the military industrial complex. This is governor America, Darren weeks,

Speaker 4: Vicky Davis. I'll go back to the broadcast. This is our number three of govern America with [01:48:00] Vicky Davis. And during the weeks it continues to be the 9th of November, 2019 as we get right back into the show, we, uh, to be talking with, uh, about this, uh, new America event here in just a moment. But we do have a phone call on the line. Uh, you're welcome to call in as well, folks. Uh, six 10, 600 1776.

Speaker 8: Again, that's six, 10, 600 1776 or if you don't have free dog long distance and you're in the United [01:48:30] States or one of the territories you can call toll free 844-SIX-468Y-37TY-6 that's eight four four six govern 844-SIX-468Y-37TY-6. So we have the phone problem taken care of. Uh, found a button in the wrong place last week so Vicki should be able to hear everything now. Anyway, let's go to the phones and Jenna's on the line in Washington state. Hello Jenna. Hello. You're on the air. [01:49:00] Oops. It would help if I pushed the button. Go ahead.

Speaker 15: Yeah. Okay. It's not Jenna. Yup, go ahead. Yup. Jenna is putting up some links in the chat. Okay. The

Speaker 8: who are we talking about? Who are we talking to here?

Speaker 15: This is Brian. Okay. Brian [inaudible]. Dan is my partner and with all of the technology that we are slaves to, you have me recorded as Jenna cause it's her telephone.

Speaker 8: [01:49:30] Yeah, that's uh, exactly. Well we can only do so much. We don't have the a call screener. But anyway, what's on your mind there?

Speaker 15: Well, I was looking at a article sent to me from some guy who worshiping magazine and a California Indian Island has been, they've raised a hundred grand and [01:50:00] are going to give it to the native Americans and the city council gave them additional a hundred acres all on the company dime. So there, there is lots of, you know, responsibility mentioned a, I think something that links to this, uh, with what is called Tikun [01:50:30] Olam repair the earth. The, this I think is a lot behind this environmental movement. You guys were talking earlier about climate change and this political system of governance that we are being pushed into. Is it socialism, fascism, communitarianism? Well, the guy a worshiping [01:51:00] is communitarian and not communist.

Speaker 8: Okay. Let, let's explain real quick. You know, when we use these terms, communitarian and a lot of people don't realize are our listeners who, people who've been listening to this show for a long time do, but I feel compelled to explain a little bit as to what it's about for new listeners. At the point is communitarian is this idea and a lot of this stuff is fostered in George Washington university and a guy by the name [01:51:30] of Amittai at Zoney a, if somebody really wants to get down into the weeds on it, but the bottom line is the idea that it's really hard for the controllers to say that you don't have the right to do X, Y and Z. A good example of that is your guns hard to take away your guns. But when you say to people that, well, the, the threat of people owning guns needs to be balanced against the greater good of society.

Speaker 8: You know, the safety [01:52:00] or whatever the, whatever the issue might be. Uh, you know, communitarian and balances, individual rights against the wellbeing said wellbeing of the community. So you got these ideas of communitarian law and that sort of thing. But the idea is when you, when you use that word balance, I mean, that's really what you're talking about with, with guard. It's like you, your free speech can't be limited. But in this case, since the wellbeing of people are, is more important, you know, [01:52:30] property rights can't be limited unless the wellbeing of the community is more important that the community will benefit. Like it's like the kilo versus new London decision where a town was, uh, they said they thought there would be some kind of economic benefit to the city. And so they took this woman's property for a commercial purpose, not a public person purpose because, uh, because the community would benefit. So her individual rights [01:53:00] were balanced away in favor of the, of the wellbeing of the community. That's communitarian. It was a communitarian Supreme court decision. So anyway, go ahead. I'm sorry.

Speaker 15: No, you're doing great. Clarifying. Uh, let's define terms. I'm, I'm completely down with that. And speaking of it, uh, Jenna has also put up Nikki rip Ana's book with the page lengths to something that she puts up in the tail end of this 300 page book, [01:53:30] one of which is communitarian buzz words. And the other is the, uh, big mothers dictionary. So I think when you guys are broadcasting, if you had that print out, you could say, okay, we're going to use the word sustainable, but this is how Nicki would describe, describe what sustainability really is. We have to quit using these [01:54:00] terms unless we absolutely are not being sucked into what people think they mean. So I'm completely down with what you just did to your listeners and I would just say that it's very easy to go to govern America and the chat will come up if you push the radio button and you can link right to the chat room, you can get to, you know, follow through and look at some of this crucial information towards [01:54:30] understanding that is easy to do. But really why I called is I've called before. I have a huge interest, although I have a problem in getting any action going on it, on this wild fires in the West. If you're in Washington state and the Agora culture. Now back to, if you go to the communitarian buzz words for some reason, [01:55:00] Nikki highlighted or a capitalized food sovereignty and food justice for some reason out of this big list, she thinks this food thing is important. Well I do too.

Speaker 8: Yeah, I like to eat.

Speaker 15: Yeah, we're not getting the minerals. How about every day, but he ends up sick and dying or going to the hospital all the time. Medications because we are not giving ourselves nutrients. Right. So this goes back to my huge [01:55:30] interest and this is what I am hoping you guys would at least consider. I have a woman in Idaho and I know Vicki's from there. She presented at a forest re conference in Washington this last summer. She is a forest service, what we call forest circus employee. But, but she can talk, unfortunately she uses [01:56:00] all of these words that we were just talking about. But let's just say you had somebody like her on to try and explain what she's trying to promote. She is having a problem getting, you know, do we need to turn into a socialist country in order to make charcoal out of wood waste in a forest? We are managing a resource. There is all this material. If you know, for instance, we don't [01:56:30] burn and that that fire suppression that we've been doing for a hundred years is reducing the amount of charcoal and it's uh, you know, working against us.

Speaker 8: [inaudible] are you, are you saying she, uh, she's promoting proper forest management

Speaker 15: and but from a forest circus and how are we gonna work with loggers? It is, you know, big rigged system.

Speaker 8: Yeah, I'll tell you what, why don't you, uh, can you send me an email with [01:57:00] her information and I'll, we can look into her.

Speaker 15: Well, that deal. Do you want to, uh, just let me also mention there is a guy in British Columbia now he makes this bio char charcoal and he is a Nope. Politically aware, but not from a end. The world's problems will be solved with socialism. He is a hardworking, independent guy making this stuff. And I [01:57:30] could see you guys have a three hour broadcast and this is local to the Northwest, some sort of dialogue. And I'd also like to send you his contact.

Speaker 8: Okay. Yeah. By all means. Please do. I appreciate that.

Speaker 15: Thank you very much and good. Good to see both of you, Vicky. Thanks. Yup.

Speaker 8: Blessings to you to take it easy. Yep. Bye. Bye. All right, bye. W w

Speaker 16: one thing to understand about the whole, the, the, [01:58:00] the marketing documents. The marketing materials are not necessarily the objective about saving the environment and then they do something to destroy the environment. Right. And, uh, one interesting thing that I found in my research is that there was a group out of, uh, Britain, great Britain called the earth liberation [01:58:30] front. And in Oregon, um, they were setting a lot of fires because their view was that

Speaker 10: if you won't save the planet the way that we're telling you to save the planet, then we'll destroy the planet. So they were, they were setting fires to, um, forests in Oregon and they, they were caught. And you know, a couple of them went to [01:59:00] prison. But I, I, I'm not sure that, uh, you know, if you, uh, destroy of forest or some part of a forest, I'm not sure that a prison time for arson is enough of a punishment. Well, I, I would say death penalty because it is deliberate destruction of habitat, not just trees. It's also all the animals.

Speaker 8: Well, not only the [01:59:30] habitat, but let's, let's talk about all the homes that are destroyed and all the people that die trying to fight the fires and things like that. Uh, but you know, I think the officials need to be held accountable for not proper forest managing. Uh, when you, you don't, you know, you fight, you go to war against loggers and, uh, you know, who want, you won't even let them remove Deadwood, maintain the forest properly so that they all tend to be 10 Tinder boxes everywhere. And, and the slightest spark [02:00:00] in an area of the country that is known for droughts, uh, the slightest spark turns everything into, into a huge infernal. I mean, the officials need to be held accountable for that. And I don't think that people put that together enough. Got another call on the line. Um, so let's go ahead and take the call. Hello, you're on the air.

Speaker 17: Hello Darren. Hello man. Uh, Vicky, Vicky, I'm sorry. This is art. [02:00:30] Um, and I'm glad you got the phone. Things takes, they don't come took away from last week. So

Speaker 8: yeah, sorry about that. This, this, uh, everything is so sophisticated on this mixer that if one little thing gets out of place, it's hard to find where the problem is certainly during the show.

Speaker 17: Yup. But you know, on this, this agenda 21 kind of thing and I think the fires out there in California may be a part of this. Um, so kind of like a comment and then a question. [02:01:00] I'm curious because I heard earlier today on another talk on talk about cast, um, that it's some speculation now that these fires may have been intentionally set in order to drive people out as a means by which to I guess let's say be nice about it and safe corral people to move more into an area where they can be better controlled and [02:01:30] return this back to like if you, you, you, you're familiar with the wetlands corridor map.

Speaker 8: Absolutely.

Speaker 17: Um, so if there's some speculation people are talking about,

Speaker 16: I think, in fact, I think we have it up on the This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Speaker 17: right. And some people are speculating that this may be connected to that with 10 to 21 objective of getting people out of the rural areas into the cities stack and pack them and such as that. [02:02:00] And you know, so that's the part of the comment. And the other part, the comment is here in Georgia we do what's called controlled burning. Yes. For the forest management, forest management, firefighters, everybody comes together in a planned burn and they burn off under rush. And this is why you never hear about wildfires in Georgia unless someone actually such one. Because we act, we take an active part to remove any risks that we could get something [02:02:30] out of control like they had in the paradise California area. So there's the comment that maybe, maybe California taking a little lesson from us, dumb, ignorant rednecks here in Georgia cause we got this thing figured out now with my question and I know Vicky, you get into the agenda 21 thing with the agenda 21 housing projects and such as that.

Speaker 17: Here in Georgia, many counties now have past organs. [02:03:00] Like in my County, you can no longer have a single wall, a single of mobile home. It must, you know, more mobile homes allowed into the County. And, uh, I know the American policy center has been doing a lot of work in this respect and they put out several articles over the past couple of months where, uh, out in Oakland and other areas, um, in Oregon [02:03:30] and I think a couple in California have actually passed ordinances within their counties that say single dwelling housing is considered to be racist. And I'm wondering if, do you think maybe all of this is tied together?

Speaker 16: Oh, no question about it. Absolutely. Um, they, uh, they don't want people in, uh, out side of the urban areas because people are much [02:04:00] more controllable in the urban areas than they are if they're living out in a trailer in some remote County. And so, yeah, they're, they're using building codes and land use codes to, um, engineer where the population can live and what they can do and that, and they're using, um, regulations [02:04:30] with businesses to basically to put some businesses out of business and they want to keep other may, I saw an article, I didn't read it because it just makes me sick, but, um, I saw an article where they're trying to, I'm considering putting a micro grid in the San Jose area so that they can get off PG and E's power. Well, the only way they can get off [02:05:00] PG and E's power would be to have a small nuke.

Speaker 16: And I was listening to some program and they were talking about small nukes that you know about the size of a garage, you know, that, uh, that is, um, you talking about one of these, um, uh, EMP attacks, right? Um, no, I'm talking about G a nuclear power to generate electricity, but [02:05:30] it's a small unit. You know, most nuclear power generation facilities were designed for bulk power. And so they're huge, but apparently they have smaller ones now that, um, that are mobile, uh, because they were talking about it in the context of a disaster recovery now for, um, some, um,

Speaker 2: Oh,

Speaker 16: you, you know, remote places that like, like maybe Puerto [02:06:00] Rico, you know, where, where they've had a hard time recovering their power system, uh, mostly because of corruption. But, you know, that's beside the point. Um, but I mean, I, I, I mean, it makes my point that I said earlier, which is that the environmental agenda doesn't mean that they're, that they care about the environment. It's all about control in whatever technology they [02:06:30] can put in that is going to end and whatever regulatory to engineer where you live and how you live.

Speaker 2: [inaudible] that's what they're doing. Yeah.

Speaker 16: To answer your question, Eric.

Speaker 17: Yup, I sure does. Um, but I won't throw this question out and then I'll hang up and listen off there just in case you got any more court callers. You mentioned, uh, nuclear power and I'm not really sure [02:07:00] how I feel about nuclear power, um, because there really is no Hey way to dispose of the waste that is produced other than to have some kind of facility to store it and eventually you run out of storage space. So, um, I really, I, I get the benefits of nuclear power. Don't get me wrong, I really get the benefits to it, but unless we have, and this is where [02:07:30] I kind of have to jump on the no protect environment wagon unless we can come up with a viable means to this, to dispose of this other than some kind of, because if, God forbid we have a EMP or something and those storage facilities lose power, we are up the Creek and no one's got a paddle. Yeah.

Speaker 16: Yeah. I don't know how these smaller ones work. I don't know [02:08:00] about the water. I don't know. But I, I don't think it's really a good idea. I agree with you. Um, on the environment, I don't think it's a good idea to pepper the landscape with these small nukes. I mean, it seems to me like that it's a, uh, another one of these games that they play where they say one thing but they intend something else and we know that the objective is D population. Ultimately [02:08:30] the objective is deep population. Yeah. So anything they do, anything they say, anything they do is suspect as far as I'm concerned. Yeah, exactly.

Speaker 8: Well, let's go back to the phones a and let's go to Texas and take another call. Hello? You on the air, by the way, let me just get off the number. (610) 600-1776 is the number to call. (610) 600-1776 or toll [02:09:00] free? Eight four four six 46 83 76 uh, tech Texas. You're on the air.

Speaker 18: Yeah. Barry. Jerry Simon chair, right. Ah, eh. Hello Vicky. Ah, couple times I got in, I tried to call him the regular number and I couldn't pick it up. I hadn't gone on the internet, which is no big deal, but I don't know if it's full up or what. But he showed me where the vitamin.

Speaker 8: What's your, which number you tried to call in?

Speaker 18: Uh, uh, the, uh, the uh, lesson, [02:09:30] the I

Speaker 8: Oh, you're talking about the listen online number? Yes. Okay. Let me just say something. I'm good. Thank you for bringing that up. Uh, this, we have a, we have a number that you can call a, and then a lot of people might not know this, where you can listen only it's not a call in number two, the show for you to talk. It's a call in number for you to listen. Only it, it, what it does is when you call the number, it goes, gets the stream and puts it on your [02:10:00] telephone. Uh, and it's a free service. We don't pay any money for it, but we also have to accept the quirks involved with that number. And one of the quirks is something Jerry's talking about here. Um, the number by the way to listen only is area code (701) 719-5231 that's area code (701) 719-5231.

Speaker 8: Now when you call the numbers, sometimes it will tell you that the stream is offline. It'll [02:10:30] tell you sometimes that the program is offline, just call back and it may do that two or three times, just keep trying to call the number and eventually it should connect. Um, and, and I made a note, I added a note to the page, right where we have that number on the listen page of the website to that effect. Uh, I have notified them it's a known issue. I, I, you know, but you know, we, we don't really have leverage over that because it, like I say, it is a free service. [02:11:00] Uh, they've been pretty responsive when I've had problems before, but we're kind of at their mercy because with these free services, you, you know, you can only say, Hey, you know, and hopefully they'll respond.

Speaker 18: I had no, uh, AP or whatever's out there, but, uh, uh, no biggie. Uh, they, uh, I, I've gotten him, I liked a couple of things that, uh, are Dre about nuclear power. Uh, yeah. I'm Jimmy Carter signed a bill. [02:11:30] Vicky a very, y'all my AE. I'm sure y'all know more about it and had the, but just spread for awareness. Uh, they, uh, where you could re refine the, uh, uranium and the power plants to reuse it because it would get closer to pluck podium from nuclear war hitch.

Speaker 8: So what you're saying is the technology has come a long way and we don't necessarily have to store this, this waste.

Speaker 18: [02:12:00] Well, you can reuse it. Okay. You can really refine it down to two, but it gets closer to the plutonium that usually, and uh, mr weapon, no. Uh, Vicky, are you afraid with that?

Speaker 16: Um, no, actually I'm not, I didn't know that, but that's very interesting. I wonder, um, I know that, uh, the United States had some kind of a reprocessing [02:12:30] deal with Russia to reprocess, um, spent fuel. But I, I thought it became more depleted, not more enriched.

Speaker 18: Well, it's, it's depleted, but there are some process, I don't know the whole deal. I, I read it here several years ago and I've forgotten all about it.

Speaker 8: Yeah, I, I've heard, and I almost mentioned that when art was talking about that I [02:13:00] have heard that there, there is, there are advancements in technology which make nuclear a lot more viable, uh, and, and, and more, you know, less detrimental to the environment. And, but, you know, the reason I didn't bring it up is because I don't know enough about it to really speak intelligently about it, but, uh, it is something to look into and if we're not doing it, you got to ask yourself the question why. I know there's a lot of pushback against anything nuclear.

Speaker 18: Yeah, yeah. A new technology that [02:13:30] especially that, uh, has, uh, threatens the, uh, federal chemical and, you know, call your lender screen. I go, there's seems like there's always a push back to that, that that was just a sad note. Uh, branch, you're supposed to have small nuclear power plants, uh, for after, uh, nation, not these big, uh, humongous signs that we have a tendency cause there, I don't know [02:14:00] the vibe below them, but they shade their more localized so you don't have the big transmission lines and the huge, uh, uh, construction cost. Yeah. I haven't read much about them in ratio years, but

Speaker 8: I, I got, I got the break coming up here, Jerry. Hey, can you hang on a second?

Speaker 18: That place?

Speaker 8: Yeah. All right. Well we'll be back here in a moment. Folks with Jerry. We'll be back

Speaker 9: when the spooks go to find out what's really going on. This is governor America.

Speaker 8: [02:14:30] Alright, we're in the home stretch of the Berg broadcast, the final half hour of the show here in govern America. Vicky Davis is here. I'm Darren weeks and we have Jerry and Washington on the line as well. I'm sorry he's in Texas, not Washington, but uh, anyway, we'll get back into it. Here on governor America, by the way, govern is the number or the the website govern and the technocratic and the phone number is (610) 600-1776. Again, that's [02:15:00] (610) 600-1776 or toll free, 844-SIX-468Y-37TY-6 toll free, eight four four six govern the listen will only line, and I'm throwing a lot of numbers at you and I apologize for that is (701) 719-5231 and if it says the show is offline, just ignore that, hang up call back and eventually you should be able to get through. It may take you a few tries. Nothing we can do about that. Anyway, Jerry's in Texas as [02:15:30] I said, and Jerry, go ahead and make your points there.

Speaker 18: A couple of poets on the nuclear power is that I have learned, uh, over 50% of the powders, uh, I play liquor plant generate, goes back into the operation of the planet trip. Is that your understanding? Thank you. Or have you looked into that? I prayed that periphery pressure.

Speaker 16: Well [02:16:00] , um, I don't, I don't know. Um, I I know that

Speaker 16: okay, vision I get vision and fusion mixed up, but the one that they can do, um, most or the one they want to be able to do, which is I think fusion takes more energy than, than what they get out of it. And [02:16:30] I don't know about the other one, the vision. Um, one of them has splitting the atoms and the other one is putting them back together. Um, and I think it's the putting them back together that takes more energy than, than what they get out of it. Um, but that, but I can't be any more definitive than that because it's really not an area that I've looked at, which I suppose is odd. Since I grew up in [02:17:00] Idaho falls, you know, where there was a nuclear sub school, nuclear, they, it are Arco. Idaho was the first city in the world let by on nuclear power

Speaker 18: rolling. Okay. Well I operated some stuff and it's my understanding that it's not real efficient when a cost efficient, when it costs more to operate it. Then what you sailed. But anyway, and of course then you've got the cost of the commissioning, uh, one of [02:17:30] French. What they're saying, it's just astronomical and how are you going to pay for it? Uh, you know, when you get to that point. Uh, but my English is not called in his own housing and I call seven and what they're doing and various areas of the country. California is, uh, here a couple of years ago, I guess now they, uh, RV association in conjunction with, uh, one of the housing, [02:18:00] uh, government housing deal come out with a, uh, uh, both in that they, uh, they travel trailers, uh, R and motor homes are not intended for permanent living, uh, arrangement that they're only a limited for jumping lack that maybe 60 days out of the year and that they will no longer, uh, gonna be allowed [02:18:30] to use them for permanent dwellings. Uh, I first, it was pretty good, uh, article. I own that. Uh,

Speaker 8: that's very clear. You know, as, as Vicky was saying earlier, there is a real push to eliminate private property, a real push to eliminate housing for individual use. Uh, they want everybody in these stack them, unpack them cities. And so they're going to use regulations, zoning ordinances and, and, [02:19:00] and the like to enforce that measure over time to make, you know, and, and for those that, I mean, maybe you can buy their way around the regulations. Uh, you know, I think the elites will always have their ability to own homes. Uh, you know, they'll always be able to urban sprawl, you know, but, uh, but the rest of us ultimately won't be able to. I can tell you from, from a property tax stand point alone, uh, you know, I have a very modest middle-class home, [02:19:30] uh, of just I think on just under 2000 square feet. Okay. My property taxes are $3,000 plus a year here where I live.

Speaker 18: I've got a cousin, her and her husband bought the five acres just North of Austin out in the rural area. And it should've been probably 30 years ago. I don't know, farm house on no frame home farm house if they went in and restored and added to it. [02:20:00] I showed up to like this, like that two or three acres to duck with a, I bought a 2000 square foot home. It's been incorporated by one or satellites, urban cities of Austin combined, uh, city County and school taxes plus mud. Their taxes is over $18,000 a year. Oh my God. It's costing them $1,500 [02:20:30] a month to live in a house that they had paid for.

Speaker 8: Well, yeah. And,

Speaker 16: and, and the thing is, is is that, is that money, um, equivalent to the, um, cost of the, the city services that are being provided? Or are they actually being assessed a luxury tax of having [02:21:00] a home out somewhere? And I'll bet I'll bet that the, they are changing the method of assessment from a evaluate value based on the, um, actual value of the materials in the home and whatever. Uh, and they are going to a social cost of, um, w what they evaluated.

Speaker 18: Oh, [02:21:30] you know, here's, here's the deal. Uh, I've, uh, I've got an uncle that, uh, uh, fashion's real estate agent that owns property and invested property, grew after years and, and, uh, Hey, come up with a statement. And I looked at him kind of funny and here's, here's the mantra that they go into. Uh, they, uh, and I urban areas and the municipalities, they, they're having a shell [02:22:00] bond. I have, every time you turn around, there's a bond election for, uh, services, you know, I infrastructure and our schools. Uh, yeah. And he should, well, we need the bail base. Uh, what did I use dollars and I pipe form and Mars dollars. Uh, [inaudible] about that. Yeah. Uh,

Speaker 16: well, yeah. And, and you know what

Speaker 10: else? It's, it's a whole debt based system to build the [02:22:30] infrastructure that is the technocratic infrastructure. Okay. Now we're going to be talking about the new minutes. Um, two of the members of the board are from Warburg Pincus. Okay. Now, when I researched the transportation system over in Europe, just like I was researching it here, I found that it was Warburg S a Warburg [02:23:00] that came up with the idea of Euro bonds. With the Euro. This was 1963 with the idea that these bonds would be issued to build European connected infrastructure. So this, this whole financing system for the infrastructure for this technocratic system. It's all based on um, a debt structure. [02:23:30] Okay. Now under UN, we talked about this last week where I was talking about the IMFs, um, Houston terms of the Paris club and how they had that debt for nature swap. So what they do that get communities in debt and then they relieve the debt by swapping available land [02:24:00] in, in ger, in different jurisdictions. And I suspect that if they don't have control, if the city doesn't have control of that land, the city or the County, I suspect that they find some excuse to take the property away from the person. And I really do believe that that is the way this whole global criminal and corrupt technocratic system is being built. It's being built on debt, [02:24:30] on bond issues, municipal bond issues,

Speaker 18: thanks. Cell phones that they keep, how many everything we got nowadays. They built on debt a, your cars. You know, we've got, I'm out of missions on your show. We've got a shop prime auto, uh, uh, problem here in the United States that, uh, is unbelievable. They're, you know, they say itch in a shop. Prime auto loan is greater than the, uh, 2008, [02:25:00] uh, housing, subprime loans. I don't preach any truth to that. It's all,

Speaker 10: Oh, I believe there's truth to it. And the re, the reason why is because they've driven up the price of automobiles, individual, single automobiles so high and they're not finished yet because they're trying to get everybody out of their cars. So they just keep adding, using the regulatory system, they keep [02:25:30] adding technology that increases the price of the car so that you have to lease a car. And even at the lease payments, if you're leasing a $30,000 car, that's a huge payment. You know, and I wonder where, where is this going to end? When are they going to realize that they can't just keep under this fascist system where corporations are using the power of government to make [02:26:00] profit? What are they going to see? That they cannot keep adding costs and costs and costs while they are eliminating people from the, from the labor market and the people that are left, most of them are not making enough money to live within this system that they're building.

Speaker 18: Well, I mean, that's a [inaudible] gets written. You shall, what a P, G [02:26:30] and H here. Uh, what last month, my full lash, uh, with all of this, uh, first, uh, uh, power cut out, they, they turn around and file chapter 11 that broke. They kicked the can down the road for show alone. AOL. Uh, I'm keen to see what happens to their pension system. Uh, the employee,

Speaker 8: no, I can't imagine, you know, I can't imagine living in California right now. I, you know, the rolling blackouts that they had in the past, [02:27:00] uh, the, the planned outages there are now, uh, it's like a third world country out there. What's that?

Speaker 18: She live normally planned out.

Speaker 8: Yeah. And I'm afraid this is what's coming to the rest of the country as we adopt more of these insane policies. You know what, what's happening in California right now? You know, banana republics deal with, you know, this is a thing that's a norm for banana republics, these outages and stuff due to corruption and due to insane powers.

Speaker 18: [02:27:30] Aye, y'all, y'all pay attention next year. It might be two years if we last that long when we have a hurricane coming in to hit Florida or new Orleans or Houston, you know, our, our ACE coast Atlanta, uh, let's see what happens to the infrastructure there are they gonna cut the power, you know, uh, and uh, uh, to save the infrastructure, maybe shy, uh, somebody being electric heated and all others at wait and see. [02:28:00] I feel like he's probably been living norm, the blazer, nor am I going to bake that in five that for four gets no, Dan, uh, cut the gas, whatever. I, if, and the norm. I, I, I, I'm sorry. I,

Speaker 8: yeah, I hope you're wrong, but I'm afraid you're might be right.

Speaker 10: I'm sure he, I'm sure he's right because that's the, as I understand,

Speaker 16: that's the way they did. They've done the power systems in other countries is that they give the people two or three hours [02:28:30] of power a day and that's it.

Speaker 8: Yes. And that's called sustainability. Yeah. That's sustainable development listeners. This is where your future is. Is this insane? You an agenda keeps moving forward,

Speaker 16: keep you on the margin until you just give up and kill yourself. You know, because, because living is more,

Speaker 8: what do you do if you have a business? If you have a business, you can't count on the electricity to be there to run your business. So what are you going to do? You're going to get a generator. Well, [02:29:00] so there'll be making a ordinances against generators next if they haven't already. No. Damn.

Speaker 18: If you don't have, if you don't have gas reserves, you're not going to run down to your local corner a gas pump and get gas down there. Because if they don't have a generator, pump the gas out, you're not going to be able to get it. I mean, you know, it's a, it's a snowball effect. Yeah. Well your two point $6 million or it's going to cost to businesses in California, but of that, [02:29:30] uh, that tire of shutdown last looked, something like that. Yeah, yeah. No, I had a PJ and a man even shot a shot. There's nothing we can do about it. You know, I, I, I, you know, it tough. It's tough to be you and uh, yep. Uh, you know, so what it is is eight. You're right. Darren is going to force ah, shit live out and the, uh, branch urban and the rural areas. If we don't have our own standalone system, [02:30:00] we're going to be forced into the stack and pack them.

Speaker 8: There you go. That's it. Yeah. Hey, thanks Jerry. I appreciate the call their friend.

Speaker 18: Yeah, I packed for tagging McCall. Y'all have a good weekend.

Speaker 8: Yeah, you too. Bye. Bye. Or you as Jerry in Texas. Yeah. I mean, this is the enforcement. This is what it looks like. This is how they will enforce it. This is how they're going to get the job done. They're already getting the job done. They're already accomplishing it. And people say, well, they can't do that in America. Well, here they're doing [02:30:30] it. They're accomplishing it.

Speaker 16: They are, and they're getting away with it because people don't question these things until it hits them, until it hits them personally. Um, and I, I have to admit that, you know, I didn't really look into smart meters until they were gonna try to put one on my home. Well, we were talking what I really dug in and started looking at smart meters, but I don't, there's just, there were just two of [02:31:00] us as far as I know. There were just two of us in this whole entire state of Idaho who opposed the implementation of smart meters. Wow. Everybody else just, you know,

Speaker 8: well, I'm, I'm happy to say that we had, we had more of a movement here. Uh, there's a real good Patriot woman named, uh, Linda Kurts. I think she, this is more of kind of a single issue for her, but it doesn't matter how she was, she's been very active on [02:31:30] that front. Um, with the smart meter education network here in Michigan, we've had her on the show before. Um, but she has been active on this front because she, the, they make her sick. She can't be around cell phones. She, they can't, she can't be around Wi-Fi. I mean she's one of these people that are very sensitive to that, but she, uh, you know, through organization there, there there's been a lot of people working with her [02:32:00] and, and other things. Uh, here in the, here in the state we've had hell, we've had meetings at the Capitol and we've been attending these meetings and we had a, a really good chairman of the energy commend, uh, committee who was a really a very fair individual.

Speaker 8: And he told the power companies that, you know, I don't feel sorry for you. You're, you got a heavy lobby here in Lansing. And, um, you know why he says we can't get these bills passed [02:32:30] these, these bills that give people their right to opt out because of your lobby. And, uh, he says, but I don't feel sorry for you. He says, he, he says, he ultimately, he ended up telling them, look, why don't you just leave the people alone because you have DTE. Now I've got consumers, but DTE is another, uh, energy company that, uh, you know, provides power for much of the state. And they [02:33:00] were using real bullying tactics. I mean, really nasty. I mean cutting old people off in the dead drop of winter, you know, because they wouldn't receive the smart meter. And, uh, now it's gotten to the point where, I mean, this, uh, his name is Glen something or another, he, I forget his last name, but anyway, he, he, he told him, he says, look, you know, he says these people, they're not going away [02:33:30] of whatever reason that they have, whether or not you think it's real or not to them, it's very real.

Speaker 8: And he's talking about the people with the health problems associated with the RF energy. He says they're not going away if they genuinely believe it in the, he says, they certainly do. He says if they genuinely believe they're having ill effects as a result of it, they're not going away. And of course the health thing isn't my issue. My issue is the privacy issue. My issue is the control issue. I don't want the power company [02:34:00] being able to shut my power off at will at any time. And that's the, that's the thing is the power companies are pushing these ideas of why don't you receive this other meter that doesn't transmit? Well that doesn't change anything for me because if it's got a receiver in there that's just as bad. Right. If it's two

Speaker 16: way communications that my issue was the same thing, it was the privacy and the control.

Speaker 6: Well, it's not even too in communications, these things don't, they don't transmit, but it doesn't matter because if they can [02:34:30] turn around and turn my energy off whenever they want to, if it receives that, it can receive commands. So it's not even a matter of whether,

Speaker 16: and they can say, well, you can't use your oven between, uh, you know, um, 8:00 AM and noon or something like that. Or you can't use your dryer between four o'clock in the afternoon and seven o'clock.

Speaker 6: Yeah. You will do as we tell you [02:35:00] to do slave. And even if they don't turn the appliances off, even if they all turn them off, if they're going to bill you more for them so that you will voluntarily change your behavior right here at least.

Speaker 16: Yeah. So you'd be doing your laundry at midnight

Speaker 6: and even these, even these, uh, they, they've got these programs where people can volunteer in to getting, allowing the power company, Oh, we'll give you a discount on your, uh, energy bill if you allow us to install this box next year. Central air conditioning [02:35:30] unit, which allows us to keep you from turning it on when we think it needs to not be turned on. Uh, but it's voluntary. Don't worry. Hey folks, keep in mind the income tax they say is voluntary too. And how did that work out? You know, ed and Elaine Brown are rotting away in prison right now because they didn't decide to voluntarily pay it. Okay. And many other people as well. I just used them as an example from the past as a high profile [02:36:00] case. But yeah, the things that they say are voluntary today somehow seem to not be so voluntary tomorrow.

Speaker 16: Once they get the control mechanism in, they have the control, you gave it away, it's over, you know, but, but eventually there won't be a choice there. They're just doing the choice thing now, um, as a conditioning kind of thing. [02:36:30] But with the smart meters and, and, and when you go buy a new appliance, the new appliance, whatever it is, you know, whether it's a microwave or a dryer washer, TV, it will have the, uh, smart card in it and it will be part of the internet of things. Yes, absolutely.

Speaker 8: I'm on a shelf. The, uh, obviously I'm going to shelf the, a meeting, uh, that we were going to cover from new America until next [02:37:00] week since we can't do it. We couldn't do it justice. Um, but that's okay because we'll have it for next week and we'll go through it. Uh, I think I got 11 clips from that particular thing and so I want to make sure that we do it justice and there's, I've got a lot of other things as well that we also explore

Speaker 6: a, but in the waning moments of the broadcast, I want to get back to this impeachment whistleblower thing for just a moment. Uh, this, this Erik Sierra, Sierra Mela, is that his name [02:37:30] as close enough that, well, I want to, I want to say it accurately because we're not supposed to say it. Vicky, Eric Ciro Mela CIA Mella there you go. Has been raised privately in impeachment depositions is this name, but it's being censored in a big way of Facebook is, you know the, it's funny because it's like the worst kept secret in the world. Everybody can know the name. All you have to do is just do a little bit of digging. It's not really hard at [02:38:00] all, but there's somehow all, we can't let anybody say it. And so social media, Twitter, Facebook, I mean Twitter's canceling people's accounts. I believe Facebook is doing the same thing as well for just putting that name up there because we've got to keep it, we got to keep it out of the public sphere.

Speaker 6: Now you've got to ask yourself the question. Don't you love that a secret that everybody knows? Yeah, yeah. It's like whistling past the graveyard, you know, real clear. [02:38:30] did the, um, they did, they reveal who it was last week and I mentioned that I meant to mention it last week, but they say federal documents reveal that the 33 year old Sierra Mella is a registered Democrat, held over from the Obama white house. Previously worked with former vice president Joe Biden and former CIA director, John Brennan, EV vocal critic of Trump who helped initiate the Russia collusion investigation of the Trump campaign during the 2016 election. [02:39:00] So, uh, this guy is a left wing shill, uh, further C, uh, I guess it's Chara. Mela is how you pronounce it. Uh, left his national security council posting in the white house's West wing and mid 2017 and make concerns about negative leaks to the media.

Speaker 6: He has sensory turned to CIA headquarters in Langley, Virginia. So this is the guy that's been this supposed whistleblower all this time. And this is the guy that they're, you [02:39:30] know, getting all twisted up about that. We can't know his name. You know, it's just this, this is a deep state Kuda TA against the president of the United States who up until, you know, if it weren't for all of this stuff, I would say, you know, Trump is just as bad as the rest of them. The only problem is they want somebody in there that they feel like they can control. I've got many things against Trump, but I'll tell you what, I think he's going [02:40:00] to probably win reelection because there's enough people that are angry about this attempted coup to tie. Wouldn't it be interesting if they impeached him and he turned around and won the election again? I

Speaker 8: think it's not going to win in the, uh, in the Senate.

Speaker 10: No, the sun, it's just gonna throw it out. So it's a, it's a waste of time. But you know,

Speaker 8: we used time because you gotta keep in mind the goals. The goal is to keep Trump from investigating their [02:40:30] crimes and it's keeping him on the defensive so he doesn't go on the offensive.

Speaker 10: I, I think they've just been working up to a constitutional crisis for the end of the nation state system and, and I really believe that, um, I think they're gonna try and pull a phony collapse of the United States, um, through a constitutional crisis so that the United States can [02:41:00] be broken up just like the Soviet union was broken up. And then, uh, as the global technocratic system is implemented, it will be implemented in the regions that are created out of the collapse.

Speaker 8: Yeah. Yeah. That makes a lot of sense. Uh, on a little bit of a lighter note, uh, regarding this era, Eric Chara Mela thing and how they're trying to keep everything all secret. [02:41:30] Adam Schiff himself accidentally leaked the, uh, the whistleblower. I don't even like calling him a whistle blow. He's a leaker. Uh, but Adam Schiff accidentally leaked his name in bill Taylor's, the transcript of bill Taylor's testimony. They forgot to redact the name. So here they're going to all this effort to try to keep this a secret and uh, they put it out in their own testimony. Oops. Anyway, we got to go, Vicky, we're out [02:42:00] of time. We're actually past time, folks. Thanks for joining us. Pray for this Republic. Do what you can to restore it. God bless each and every one of you. Do you want us back here next week? Same time, same stream here on govern America. Thanks, Vicky. Thank you, Darren. All right, we'll talk to you next week.

Speaker 3: [inaudible].


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On this third anniversary of the January 6 fedsurrection, a deep dive into the timeline of that day from a new documentary. Democrats expand attack on the American election system. Jeffrey Epstein data dump captures national attention. Missouri governor Mike Parsons takes action against hostile foreign governments' land purchases near...
Wars on multiple fronts. Biden administration warmongers and the Republicans who enable them. Hoover Institute worries about restoring trust, but miss the mark on why Americans don't trust the military and other government institutions. From Biden money laundering bribes, to Energy Department officials owning stocks of companies they regulate, to...
Global supply lines again threatened; what is the solution to avoid these disruptions? "Climate" extremists target Christmas gifts as being bad for the planet. Electric vehicles and your holiday plans. Colorado Supreme Court removes Trump from ballot, as Maine and California moves to follow. Biden family corruption. U.S. terror watch...
Detrimental effects of Agenda 21 ESG programs on investor returns. James O'Keefe exposes IBM. Bill Gates teams up with the United Nations to launch global digital infrastructure plan to enslave the world. ChatGPT is being used to craft law. Bird flu hits top egg producer. Solar flares, COP28, and the...
Will Artificial Intelligence be the doom of civilization? Deep dive into the use of AI in the medical profession. What was behind the mysterious explosion of a duplex house in Virginia? The strange death of James Yoo. Mask mandates are returning. As new illnesses circulate around the world, recognizable patterns...
King Charles speaks at COP 28 — United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). Elites spew CO2 while wagging their fingers at you! Call for Abrahamic religions to be wiped out in favor of Gaia/Earth worship. Community Service and George Bush's "Thousand Points of Light" — the path to...
Lawlessness and violence rise in countries where mass migration is allowed to occur. "Welcoming" cities now contend with the consequences of their "sanctuary" status. Biden's energy secretary Jennifer Granholm invited CCP and Russian officials to tour sensitive U.S. nuclear facilities. U.S. Air Marshalls are being instructed to ignore real terrorists...
DHS Secretary Mayorkas and FBI Director Wray testify before Congress on threats. Cloward-Piven strategy revisited as illegals pour in and overrun welfare services. Biden's 2015 racist remarks reveal true nature of his attack on America as Illegal aliens surpass U.S. births. Newly-released January 6 footage appears to show capitol police...
New House Speaker Mike Johnson is not the conservative "savior" that he is being portrayed to be. Hero worship: Leftist radicals of yesterday become the darlings of today's conservative Right. The epidemic of pervert school teachers. The threat of artificial intelligence. Sanctuary cities are firing up residents at city council...
Mass shootings, "Red Flag" laws, and "Gun Free" zones. From Bankrupt wind turbine companies and defective solar cells to self-wrecking cars, Agenda 21 "solutions" are not working. Automotive manufacturers are having to explain the non-performance of electric vehicles. Biden administration's carbon cutting is killing the American consumer. Farms are continuing...
Evidence and analysis of the Al Ahli Arab Hospital explosion in Gaza. Biden pushes for billions more in war spending for Ukraine and Israel. Benjamin Netanyahu address to his Likud Party in 2019 provides insights as to his current relationship with Hamas. U.S. treasury dumping by foreign nations accelerates as...
Was the Hamas attack on Israel a false flag operation? Warnings were ignored; Hamas origins, the Oded Yinon plan, are explored. Why the Christian west should think twice about supporting the policies of Israel. New York still sending their police to Israel for counterterrorism training. Propaganda reruns? Intelligence run by...
Biden administration in chaos after border wall backtrack — but don't call it a reversal in policy. Hillary Clinton wants to send people who disagree with her to reeducation camps. FBI continues targeting peaceful patriots. Kevin McCarthy's ouster is a win for freedom-loving people. Kamela Harris loves the Z-Gen. Communitarianism...
Over 11,000 migrants crossing the border daily. UN mouthpiece brags about controlling thought and speech. Technocrats destroying Earth and Space, while imposing systems that enslave. Media worries Ukraine will suffer during a government shutdown. G-20 readies digital ID CBDC. Brazil and Argentina roll out citizen IDs. Devolution, Newt Gingrich, and...
Ray Epps' new misdemeanor charge indicates he is still being protected by the Establishment. DHS offering work permits and deportation protection to 470,000 communist Venezuelans. Democrat Sen. Robert Menendez and his wife are indicted over bribery schemes, but where are the bribery charges for the Biden crime family? Follow-up on...
Final three men acquitted in FBI-driven Whitmer kidnapping hoax. Hunter Biden indicted on felony gun charges, but where are the "influence peddling" charges? CNN finally discovers that Biden lies. Lynn Forester de Rothschild, saying it is time to "dustbin" ESG, is a huge victory for the "truth" media. "Inclusive Capitalism"...
G-20 meets with Russian conflict a point of contention. Biden campaigns on how much he's helped Ukraine, while Americans suffer. Peter Navarro is the latest Trump adviser to be targeted by the Democrats lawfare machine. Democrats continue to complain about illegals, now that they have to deal with them. Left...
Democrats switch to Fourteenth Amendment strategy to rig the 2024 election. Proud Boys sentenced to hard time while other January 6 political prisoners are severely mistreated. Another J6 defendant apparently commited suicide. Chilean gangs invade America while Biden pushes his latest gun control measure. IRS stocks up on .40-caliber submachine...
Deep dive into oddities surrounding devastating Maui wildfire, as evidence emerges that officials intend to use this event to undermine the residents' private property rights. Biden administration prepares to reimpose COVID restrictions this fall. Mike Lindell said what? The Terrible 1313. Globalists use of indigenous peoples to push their agenda....
Bidenomics and the Beltway bubble. Tucker Carlson interviews Steven Sund, the capitol police chief on January 6, 2021. Fraudulent voter registrations acknowledged in Michigan. Ecuadorian presidential candidate assassinated; parallels to American politics? Michelle Obama to replace Biden? U.S. State Department creates messes worldwide. Ukraine admits Russians hard to beat, while...
Fitch downgrades U.S. credit rating, but don't worry, says the "noose" media. The bankruptcy of Yellow will send ripple effects through the economy. Trump arraigned for the third time with the fourth indictment expected soon. The financial racket of the kidnapping operation that is Child Protective Services. After charging legitimate...
Climate alarmists pushing new scare campaign. Lithium batteries causing fires. John Kerry spills the real agenda. Biden administration targets water heaters. Also, the Patriot Front, Task Force Butler, The Promethius Project, Ashtoe, The City of London, The Intelligent Vehicle Highway System, Inland ports, Admiralty law, Innocent until proven guilty? The...
IRS whistleblowers testify before Congress about how investigation into Hunter Biden tax fraud was stymied by higher-ups. Judge sets trial date for Trump during the 2024 election campaign. Michigan Attorney General Dana Nessel retaliates against Republican electors for challenging the 2020 election. Rand Paul's office burns a day after referring...
FBI director Christopher Wray is drilled on Capitol Hill on a variety of issues, including the agency's role in the January 6 protests and the targeting of American patriots as the enemy. Abuse of the highly-secretive FISA court is epidemic, but will Congress actually do anything about it? Secret...
Biden administration is sending cluster bombs to Ukraine, despite saying in the past that it would be a war crime to use them. Joe Biden admits the military he oversees is running out of ammunition since he's giving it all to Ukraine. The deliberate compromise of U.S. military readiness and...
Wildfires continue to rage in Canada. Could weather modification and geoengineering play a role in the drought conditions and rampant wildfires that are leaving much of the nation blanketed in smoke? Solar panels destroyed by hail. Conflicting globalist agendas: as the "climate change" pushers promote solar, Bill Gates and the...
FBI falsified FISA evidence, yet no one goes to prison. Hunter Biden's plea deal, the Durham Report and House testimony. IRS whistleblowers expose Biden family corruption, and more.
Deep dive into the J6 POW hearing of this past Tuesday. Details of how the political prisoners are being mistreated. First-hand eyewitnesses confirm the presence of Antifa. Why is the video not being released? Also, the World Economic Forum calls for the wide-scale elimination of most cars by 2050, and...
Trump indictment and the American banana republic. What is the significance of the background of special prosecutor Jack Smith? MSNBC suggests other members of the GOP besides Trump may also be targets. Meanwhile, DOJ and FBI protect the Biden crime family. Facing contempt-of-Congress, Chris Wray finally turns over document proving...
Farmers fighting to save their farms from carbon capture pipeline eminent domain takings. CO2 pipelines planned to be pervasive throughout the country and the world. Democrats seek to blur separation of powers between Congress and SCOTUS. Follow-up on the SCOTUS decision regarding the scope of the EPA's regulation authority of...
Biden administration is working to cede U.S. sovereignty to the United Nations World Health Organization. Deep dive into World Health Assembly which is hammering out the details of the Pandemic Treaty and changes to World Health regulations. We have reports from people on the ground in Geneva. Their goal is...
The long-awaited Durham report is out, which confirms what conservatives already knew. But will anyone be held accountable? Will the CIA ever be investigated? Deep dive into the latest House Committee on the Weaponization of Government, where three FBI whistleblowers testified about their treatment by the agency. Bank of America...
Title 42 restrictions has expired, yet immigration laws are still on the books. Why aren't they being enforced? Has the United States adopted international law in place of Constitutional law? Biden administration tips off illegal invaders as to what entry points to avoid. Latin American prisoners, drug cartels, human smugglers,...
Drone flown over the Kremlin serves as a dangerous escalation toward the war. United Nations wants legalize child sexual predation. United Nations is adopting new legal principles that would attempt to legalize child consent to sexual relations. San Franciso descends into complete madness as trans crazies have taken to screaming...
Tucker Carlson is out at Fox News. Energy secretary Jennifer Granholm wants the military's entire fleet to be electric by 2030. Transportation secretary Pete Buttigieg doesn't know about supply chains or life cycles of the batteries needed for the electric vehicle transition that he's pushing. Robert F. Kennedy Jr. once...
Earth Day religionists and their human sacrifices. The "Improving Digital Identity Act". Moderna and IBM join forces to bring artificial intelligence to mRNA shots. How long have we been consuming mRNA pork? Chinese load milk with mRNA gene therapy. The NIH and "edible vaccines". Missouri gene therapy labeling legislation would...
Why are corporations in a frenzied rush to commit suicide by destroying their own brands and alienating their loyal patrons? The Corporate Equality Index (CEI) is explored. Funded by George Soros' Open Society Foundations, this index ties into the Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) agenda, and uses blackmail and implicit...
As everyone is focused on the Trump indictment, dangerous Central Bank Digital Currency infrastructure is being put into place. A system which appears to be the Regulated Liability Network (RLN) has been announced that it will be implemented in July. RLN will be able to shut down "person to person"...
Donald Trump is indicted by a grand jury as U.S. politics are taken to yet another new low. What is really behind the indictment? What do the Democrats hope to accomplish by prosecuting the former president and current frontrunner in the 2024 campaign? Radical leftists storm capitols in multiple states,...
FBI and DOJ corruption, and the election meddling of the National Anti-Corruption Bureau of Ukraine (NABU). The prosecution of the January 6 political prisoners. The Proud Boys were so infiltrated with FBI informants that the informants were testifying for the Defense! Mississippi experiences mile-wide tornado devastation. Train derailment in East...
Banking crisis continues as more banks fail. Yellen admits 87,000 new IRS agents will be targeting Middle Class Americans and businesses. New York prosecutor to push forward with Trump indictment. Trump pushes "freedom cities", which are really rebranded Agenda 21 sustainable communities. Biden's administrative bureaucracy pushes new Agenda 21 water...
Tucker Carlson releases January 6 video, debunking the lies of politicians and media, and proving government engaged in prosecutorial misconduct by withholding exculpatory evidence. Sen. Chuck Schumer calls for censorship of Tucker Carlson's show. Deep dive into the collusion between government spook agencies, non-governmental organizations, media, and social media companies...
Communist activist Angela Davis discovers her ancestors arrived in America on the Mayflower. Joe Scarborough and New York Times editorial board member discuss how freedom of speech is outdated and how it needs to be destroyed. People growing weary of "Social Justice" catch and release programs and the prosecutors who...
Democrats exploit tragic shooting at Michigan State University to target the rights of law-abiding firearms owners. Attorney General Merrick Garland's community violence and prevention initiative is causing crime to skyrocket. Chinese spy balloon follow-up. U.S. government conducted secret experimentation with surveillance balloons in 2018 and 2019. Chinese beam laser beams...
Follow-up on the Chinese spy balloons. Award-winning journalist Seymour Hersh exposes how U.S. destroyed Nord Stream pipelines. Rep. Nancy Mace reveals she was injured by the COVID shots. Meanwhile, noises about avian flu begin to make headlines as the next possible pandemic. 2016 conference at George Washington University reveals plan...
Communist Chinese spy balloon violates U.S. air space and sovereignty, as a compromised Joe Biden allows it to cross the country, collecting intel on sensitive U.S. sites. Latin America also has a Chinese spy balloon, hovering overhead, as well as Chinese satellite monitoring stations. China's surveillance tentacles are now encircling...
Project Veritas' undercover sting of Pfizer's executive, Jordan Trishton Walker, reveals the company has discussed experimenting and mutating viruses to sell more mRNA shots. Big Pharma's near total control of the establishment media. Antifa riots and road blockages. Vicky updates us on her latest research on the empire-building, economic integration,...
Biden signs on to Declaration of North America (DNA), which appears to be the latest push forward of the North American Union of the early 2000s, and an implementation of Cultural Marxism on an international scale. World Economic Forum meets this week. Klaus Schwab calls for his opposition to be...
Is the classified document scandal the excuse the Deep State will use to remove an increasingly senile Biden from office? U.S. air traffic grounded this week. Congressman Ryan Zinke confirms the existence of the Deep State in a speech justification of the new Committee on the Weaponization of Government. Gov....
After fifteen rounds, Kevin McCarthy is elected speaker of the House. Despite the outcome, Congressional battle still signals a populist victory. House needs to investigate January 6 for the right reasons, and release all the information! Ray Epps' attorney was a FBI agent for nine years. Vicky's article, Monitors of...
German company wants to build "artificial womb" baby factories to incubate genetically-engineered infants. Canadian media was pushing doctors of death, years prior to Trudeau's government implementation. USDA hands out money to push "renewable" energy in rural areas. Lithium batteries cause garbage trucks to catch fire. U.S. government stops lithium mining...
A second and third round of document drops at Twitter reveals some of the conversations that the executives and employees had around the banning of Donald J. Trump from the platform. Also revealed, Twitter executives were holding weekly meetings with the FBI, and meddling in the elections. The tie of...
Twitter document dump proves Democrats and Biden administration violation of First Amendment by working hand-in-glove with Twitter to censor free speech and rig the elections. Killer robots approved in San Francisco; coming to a town near you? Questions linger on the disinformation story, published by the Associated Press, about the...
Anthony Fauci lies one last time for the cameras, as Karine Jean-Pierre runs interference, protect him from hard questions from the press about the origins of COVID. Is the Establishment media finally starting to admit that the Fauci/Gates death stabbings are not doing people any good? State Department predators are...
Social engineers point to everything that is normal and try to declare it as abnormal. War propaganda and bogus fact checkers. Ukraine bombs Poland and blames the Russians, attempting to invoke an Article 5 World War III. National Endowment for Democracy hosts propaganda panel of Ukrainian welfare recipients, demanding more...
Dave Hodges of the Common Sense Show joins us in the final hour of the show today to discuss election oddities and corruption. From early voting, drop boxes, printers running out of ink, to election computers failing, and webcam surveillance systems going dark, what in the world has happened to...
Economic collapse draws closer as U.S. debt becomes much harder to service. Millennium Challenge Corporation to direct foreign assistance around the world. Deep dive into World Economic Forum's panel discussion on "An Economic Iron Curtain: Scenarios and Their Implications". IMF managing director believes SDRs are free money that doesn't cost...
If the U.S. diesel supply is dangerously low, then why are we still exporting diesel? Elon Musk takes control of Twitter. Court orders Anthony Fauci, Jen Psaki, and other officials to be deposed. Chinese Communist Party operatives and front companies are colonizing America, building facilities near U.S. military bases, and...
States increasingly pushing back against Blackrock and the ESG (environmental, social, and governance) agenda. Why would energy companies go along with "sustainable development" when it runs contrary to their bottom line? The volatility of lithium-ion batteries are causing exploding phones today; will the cars of the future be like ticking...
The plot for an American Union, similar to the EU, moves forward and is revealed anew by the words of the Mexican president. Paypal walks back policy, fining people $2,500 for disseminating disinformation, but is this policy a glimpse into the technocratic future? The World Economic Forum held a panel...
Crimean bridge, connecting Russia and Crimea attacked overnight — the latest in the ongoing escalation of the U.S.-Russia proxy war in Ukraine. The White House Global Covid-19 Summit. A strange, new, and frightening medical phenomenon is sweeping the globe; is it related to the shots? CDC dropped its masking recommendation...
Evidence mounts that Nord Stream pipeline destruction was the work of Biden administration. Federal Reserve initiates social credit score / ESG exercise with six major banks. Biden, Democrats, and Mockingbird media politicize destruction, death, and human suffering from Hurricane Ian. Demand for synthetic meat turns rancid. Smart meters are causing...
Is the CDC director, Dr. Rochelle Walensky, setting up a Homeland Security police state -style bureaucracy within the CDC? Paypal deplatforms Free Speech Union and Daily Sceptic. Daniel Natal of The New American shares his thoughts on Democracies, Republics, and the technocratic tyranny. Global food crisis worsens as U.S. harvest...
Biden signs executive order to unleash transhumanist hell on Earth. COVID death shots continue to kill and maim in massive numbers. Pentagon now torturing military members who refused the COVID jab. Bill Gates must respond to suit against him over AstraZeneca death. Republicans have joined Democrats in shipping illegal aliens...
Why worship the royals? The corruption of Charles, the "sustainable" king, and the palace at large. The War on Terror turns inward. As many as fifty patriots/conservatives raided and targeted by Biden administration this week alone, as administration is on a totalitarian rampage; Bannon indictment is latest in Trump orbit....
Joe Biden's totalitarian demon speech. Biden's love and loyalty for the New World Order. The administration continues its war on their political opponents. Proud Boys founder, Gavin McInnes, is raided and arrested by the feds, while live on air. Department of Justice puts gag order on employees. Mass warrantless Police...
MSNBC vindicates "conspiracy theorists" by admitting the "Deep State" conspiracy is real! Anthony Fauci resigns. COVID-19 injections continue to injure and kill, yet are still compulsory. Privatization and the reinvention of government, universities, systems, and central planning. World Economic Forum promotes transhumanism and implantable devices, including microchips. Mark Zuckerberg says...
ATF is now confiscating firearms parts; testing the waters for future gun confiscation? World Economic Forum is developing smart city governance policies for your city. Anger over raid on Trump being seized upon as an excuse to villainize Gab, free speech in general, and the patriot movement. Technocratic idols and...
FBI raid on Donald Trump's residence at Mar-a-Lago: analysis, impacts, and consequences. Twitter prepares for midterms with new rules, as one of their employees found guilty of acting as a foreign agent. Carbon capture pipeline proposal is being pushed. As COVID mRNA shots continue to democide and permanently damage people...
Having an opinion that runs afoul of the Establishment: The chilling ramifications to free speech of a court ordering Alex Jones to pay $49 million in the Sandy Hook civil case. Florida governor Ron DeSantis suspends Soros-backed prosecutor Andrew Warren for refusing to enforce laws with which he disagrees. Justice...
Klaus Schwab admits that a small group of powerful people with means are controlling the world. Congress moves toward creating a "drivers license" for the Internet. More restrictions are being put upon cash transactions. The U.S. House of Representatives passes gun control that they call an "assault weapons" ban, while...
Steve Bannon found guilty of contempt of Congress, the latest target of Biden's long list of political opponents that have suffered retribution for having an opinion that is unfavorable to Biden. Many have suffered FBI raids and trumped-up legal charges. Biden announces executive action on "climate change", following plans that...
Joe Biden begs Saudis for oil, despite his crippling of U.S. domestic energy production and the administration's steadfast demonization of oil has an energy source. As Biden hamstrings U.S. energy production, his business partners in the Chinese government ramp up coal production to meet increased demand. What is the Council...
Georgia guidestones demolished. Follow-up on Biden's economic advisor, Brian Deese, and his connection with Blackrock's ESG program. Biden's handlers reimagine the power grid is creating a danger to America's energy security. Biden sends millions of the U.S. strategic oil reserves over to communist China, even as the FBI and MI5...
Deep dive into the monumental U.S. Supreme Court decision, slapping down the administrative state. SCOTUS issued a decision stating the Environmental Protection Agency had no authority to regulate CO2 emissions in a way that would force the entire energy sector to transition to so-called "clean energy" systems and "cap and...
A couple of victories handed to freedom-loving Americans by the U.S. Supreme Court as it officially overturns Roe vs. Wade and affirms the right to carry. In the meantime, Democrats and RINO Republicans pass unconstitutional "Red Flag" gun confiscation legislation through both chambers and send it to Biden's desk. We...
Gun control legislation, red flag laws, trafficking and the Organization of American States. The treachery and betrayal of the Republican Establishment. Beltway politicians want to disarm Americans while taking our tax money to arm Ukraine with weapons that will end up on the black market. Zelensky outlaws political parties with...
The Bilderberg conference participants and topics. Why is Ukraine a party to an Organization of American States treaty? Update on the World Health Organization Pandemic Treaty. Communist China has been elected to the WHO executive board. The Ukraine Democracy Defense Lend-Lease Act of 2022 is now law. More financial experts...
Biden administration ramps up gun control efforts in the wake of the Robb Elementary school shooting in Uvalde, Texas which killed 19 children and two adults, and injured 17 others. From runaway inflation to food shortages, several signs point to the United States becoming a failed state. FERC warns of...
Follow-up on the WHO international health regulation proposals that are being put forward by the Biden administration to be voted on at the World Health Assembly May 22-28th. Deep dive into the proposed treaty into which they plan to encapsulate the mechanisms of control. This is one of the most-important...
Commentary on "Our Common Agenda" and how the globalists want to turn future generations into robotic atomatons who will be slaves with no freedom. Tens of billions more being sent to Ukraine by the Biden administration and the traitors in Congress at a time when babies are going hungry in...
Fallout over the leaked draft decision of the U.S. Supreme Court which suggests the court might overturn the historic Roe vs. Wade decision. Impacts on the system and what does it mean going forward? Is this the beginning of an orchestrated civil war in America? How would an overturn of...
Analysis of our new "Ministry of Truth" — the Homeland Security Disinformation Board — and the New World Order Establishment's war on the First Amendment. All truth is now "Russian Disinformation". Deep dive into Alejandro Mayorkas' testimony before the House of Representatives this week. Also, dropping the border was a...
Analysis of Marjorie Taylor Greene hearing in Atlanta, challenging her ability to run for reelection. Several border crossers on the terror watch list. Homeland Security and the technocratic surveillance state. Who is Tim Wirth and what is his role in Sustainable Development? The Great Reset, dollar collapse, and conditioning the...
Biden appoints himself king, blows off the Constitution, and targets gun kits by executive fiat. Illegals flood in as Gov. Greg Abbott plays games. What are the numbers of migrants flooding across the border, and from whence are they coming? Conservatives placing trust in technocrat Elon Musk as the savior...
Ketanji Brown-Jackson is confirmed by the Senate to be the next Supreme Court justice. Biden thinks America is defined by one word — too bad he can't say it. The Atlantic's Disinformation Summit is full of disinformation. Secret Service infiltrated by Pakistanis. Two acquitted and two others declared mistrial in...
Globalists using Ukraine war crisis to transition us into a post-dollar world. How does this impact their power, since the dollar as the reserve currency has been the source of much of their power? Cultural Marxism ramps up in Wisconsin schools as mental illness is embedded in new protocol. World...
Biden openly declares that the crises of today will lead to a New World Order. One of those crises are shortages of food, which he now declares is very real. Politically-motivated kidnapping by Child Protective Services leads to Ammon Bundy's latest arrest for "suspected trespassing". Follow-up on alleged Whitmer kidnapping...
Republican traitors help Democrats pass Gun Control measure. Economic and social war being waged upon the People of the world. As U.S. politicians wring their hands about the territorial integrity of Ukraine, a drug cartel war and shootout is happening on the U.S.-Mexican border and tens of thousands of illegals...
Biden revokes Most-Favored Nation trading status from Russia, further isolating that country and driving them closer to China. Discussions are underway to establish a permanent international criminal court to deal with Putin and "his enablers" — whomever that may be. Could a permanent international criminal court be turned against freedom-loving...
American foreign and domestic policy is a wrecking ball. Empire and the Westphalian system of nation-states. Jesse Jackson set the talking points for the takedown of America. University study indicates Pfizer COVID shot modifies DNA. Clot shot injuries continues as silent genocide sweeps the world. Bill introduced to criminalize First...
Putin invades Ukraine. What is the true nature of the conflict? Biden promises to punish Russia more than you, yet continues to do everything he can to cripple the country. Taliban worried about loss of life in Ukraine. Cyber warfare underway? Phone calls and more.
Justin Trudeau invokes Emergency Powers Act, leading to massive abuse of power and violation of individual liberties in Canada. Bank accounts and property is being seized, people are being beaten up in the streets by cops, and trampled by horses — all for attending a peaceful protest against mandates. Vladimir...
Officials panic as trucker protest spreads. As we approach the grim anniversary of the signing of the FDR executive order, causing innocent Americans to be rounded up by the government and taken to concentration camps, we ponder whether such atrocities are about to happen again? Nebraska takes a step toward...
GoFundMe decides to steal donor information, given for Trucker Convoy. We revisit "Operation Northwoods" and so many other "false flag" events in light of the fact that the U.S. State Department is now warning, without evidence, that Russia might commit a false flag as a pretense to justify a Ukraine...
Feds now targeting the Amish? Automobile manufacturers cozying up to Big Tech companies. Bill Gates praises communist China for its totalitarian Covid response, after the virus was released by China. Sen. Ron Jonson's Second Opinion roundtable hearing on COVID-19 response reveals a very serious and dangerous transition is taking place...
Psychopaths inside the Biden administration put the United States on a dangerous war footing with Russia. Russian media is warning a potential false flag in Ukraine to serve as a pretense to blame them for invasion. Has the USA been seized by Carnegie? The evils of the 501(c)3 tax-exempt organizations...
Supreme Court opines on Biden administration's experimental gene therapy mandates. FBI indictment of several people on seditious conspiracy charges comes at very odd timing. Key questions in 6 January event remain unanswered. Recent Senate Judiciary Hearing on Homeland Security and January 6th all but confirms FBI involvement of incitement. Efforts...
Analysis of Supreme Court arguments over Biden admnistration's OSHA vaxx mandate. Democrats hold vigils, and media gnash their teeth over January 6th mostly-peaceful protest. Why is Sen. Ted Cruz pushing the Left Wing narrative on January 6th? Political prisoners held in D.C. jail -- many having committed no real crimes....
Dr. Robert Malone, M.D. interviewed on the Joe Rogan show. We revisit the "Mass Formation" psychosis that appears to be plaguing our society, and determine that it afflicts both the Left and the Right. Conservatives talk about AOC being recruited for her job via a talent contest, but many high-profile...
On December 26, 2021, Govern America Radio served the Republic of Texas radio show, which aired a special edition on our station, since Republic Broadcasting Network was closed for the Christmas holiday. In case you missed it, here is the audio of that broadcast.
Globalist "Build Back Better" bill gets wrecking ball in the Senate. Biden signs executive order pushing 2050 "Net Zero" fraud. Marc Merano of on Green New Deal dangers. Is U.S. foreign policy driving Russia deeper into alliance with communist China? CNN pedophile scandal continues as hard drives have now...
New York City to ban natural gas from new buildings. California to ban internal combustion engines for generators, lawn mowers, and other off-road uses. Communists overrun governments at every level. World Trade Organization participation is a voluntary surrender of national sovereignty. Automobile transportation as a subscription service? What is the...
Extreme storms, tornadoes rip through several states, causing devastation and death. Administration will use this tragedy to push Agenda 21 "climate change" tyranny. Government has been experimenting with weather manipulation for over a half century. Air Force 2025, Project Popeye, and aerosol operations. Homeland Security, Community Policing, and the Hometown...
House of Representatives vote to establish a national vaccine database; 80 Republicans join the Democrats to destroy liberty. Germany imposing lockdowns on unjabbed; deep dive into Australian quarantine camp; calls for medical martial law in the U.S. get louder - all as Omicron variant deemed "mild" by doctor who discovered...
The Waukesha massacre. California port mess. The government's restriction of water resources and its impact upon farmers and the food they produce. Deep dive into technocrat Parag Khanna and his advocacy of open migration, curtailment of private property rights, and assigning everyone on the planet a QR code. Canadian prime...
Fauci continues to push boosters as the next step toward redefining what it means to be "fully vaccinated". Systemic corruption and regulatory capture is worse than we first thought! Biden's nominee for Comptroller of the Currency, Saule Omarova, tries to fend off questions about her alleged communist sympathies, while calling...
Biden administration thinks printing new money will reduce inflation. Signs that the USA is on the verge of collapse: things we used to be able to take for granted, are no longer a given. St. Louis facing a natural gas catastrophe. Biden's solution to skyrocketing fuel prices is to kill...
Biden administration continues to weaponize the DOJ to target political enemies. After attacking parents at school board meetings as domestic terrorists, they now have independent journalists such as Project Veritas in their crosshairs. The Glenn Youngkin upset isn't what it seems, and seemingly everybody is falling for it! "Defund the...
Supply chain disruption, port backlog, California's war on truckers and industry via AB-5, and empty store shelves. Climate scam hearings. New Lancet study shows how frankenjabs are not effective. FDA blantantly approves human experimentation on children. Hospitals overrun now that they've fired half their staff because of shot mandate. New...
Biden bullying and government overreach is turning off people on both the Left and the Right. Government overstep is awaking the sleeping giant. Democrats pushing Gun Control because they fear the People, labeling parents -- every day Americans -- "domestic terrorists". Vaxx mandates hit turbulents at major airlines; executives pull...
Cougar sightings rise in places that haven't had cougars in decades. Wildlife corridors, "protected" areas, and other attacks on private property rights. The war on food heats up. White House claims to care about cattle ranchers after years of pushing anti-cattle memes of "climate change", and promoting the consolidation of...
Democrats use "new math" for spending bill. Attorney General Merrick Garland declares war on dissenting parents. Garland's conflict-of-interest. Alternatives to the "public fool" system. Pandemic controls used as an excuse to advance regionalism agenda. Judge rules against Alex Jones in "Sandy Hook" defamation case without even examining the merits of...
Rona and the contact tracers. Hospital death traps, and are family physicians being told not to treat Covid patients? Entire population is being turned into research subjects. Congress kicks the funding can to December. Janet Yellen and the Biden administration want to tax wealth that Americans don't even have yet....
We had Joe Biden's speech at the UN, which was all about globalism. Does he not know he's supposed to be president of the United States — not the world? Deep dive into the One Planet Summit for Biodiversity, which took place in January, as we prepare for the upcoming...
Will the "Justice 4 J6" rally be another CointelPro Operation? Durham indicts attorney for DNC, Michael Sussmann. Why doesn't the major media mention Jonathan Winer's role in the Steele dossier? Gen. Mark Milley alleged to have committed treason against the United States and undermined the authority of the duly-elected President...
Deep dive into Biden's totalitarian Covid speech and his 6-point iron-fisted "plan". The administration's self-contradictions and lies. Diversion from Afghanistan? Totalitarianism around the world. A victory on the gun control front, and more. Phone calls throughout the show.
Taliban to serve as security for Turkmenistan-Afghanistan-Pakistan-India (TAPI) pipeline. What role, if any, does Burisma play in the TAPI pipeline, and how much does the Biden family get? Why did Joe Biden arrange a meeting in Ukraine with Volodymyr Zelensky, even as the Afghanistan mess was playing out? We dissect...
White House denies that Americans are stranded in Afghanistan, as Afghan refugees are airlifted out at much higher numbers than Americans. A 2012 agreement between the U.S. and Afghanistan lays out an institutional managing-style government for that country; the globalists had big plans. Where does that agreement stand today, now...
Deep dive and analysis of the mess in Afghanistan. Administration doesn't seem to have much of a motivation to get Americans home. Plenty of blame to go around in Afghanistan, yet no one wants to blame George W. Bush for getting the United States into the war. Afghan refugees flooding...
CDC outlines the building of "green zone" quarantine camps. U.S. government is openly warring against the People. Biden administration considers banning interstate travel for the unjabbed. Cuomo resigning is a distraction from real issues. To the technocrats, your body is a computer to be programmed; your cells and DNA are...
Transhumanism and the new methods of mind control as revealed by an insider. Big Tech's destruction of platforms, free speech, and the free flow of information. The technological and financial deplatforming of Andrew Torba and Gab are a precursor of what may be the future for all resisters. Vicky discusses...
International military base set up inside the United States, near Washington D.C. Bureau of Land Management to be run by eco terrorist? Biden administration attempts to put more land off limits. G20 dealt a setback on controlling the population via CO2 targets. Western drought could lead to food shortages, power...
It is now confirmed that the planned kidnapping of Michigan governor Gretchen Whitmer was officially a FBI plot. FBI domestic terror unit is full of sexual perverts. DOJ strike force teams to clamp down guns in major cities. The Community-Oriented Policing Services (COPS) program causes massive spike in violent crime...
Is ICANN engaging in web censorship? Have presidents been reduced to governors of regional territories under the UN system? Deep dive into the World Health Organization's pandemic bonds, and the scamming of pension funds and impoverished countries. What's going on with the investigation of the Champlain condo collapse in Florida?...
As Cyber Polygon drill concludes, what do we have in store in terms of draconian cyber attacks on our infrastructure. Klaus Schwab and the World Economic Forum's pushing of a cyber pandemic. Smart toys are all the rage, aggregating children's data. Smart meters transmitting data that the power companies would...
Digital drivers licenses system being developed that could morph into an all-encompassing identification system, complete with health information and COVID passports. Facebook is now warning its users it may have interacted with "extremist content" and that they need to rat on people. LifeLog, Facebook, Peter Thiel, Palantir, and the CIA's...
Analysis of Biden's Build Back Better World Partnership (B3W). As the United States commits more inflationary dollars to build third world infrastructure, ours is crumbling at home. John Kerry and the World Economic Forum gear up for the COP26 climate conference. Establishment seizes upon Champlain condo building collapse tragedy...
They have decreed another federal holiday for you to celebrate the "end of slavery". Yet, from smart homes and the smart grid, to the Great Reset, vaccine passports, and COVID controls, systems of slavery for all people are being built everywhere. DARPA has a new "prophetic" program for quackzines. Deep...
Election audits, cultural Marxism, and media propaganda. Injuries and deaths continue from the COVID jabs. Have the criminal Big Pharma industrial and government regulation cartel gone too far in targeting children? For some, mRNA shots have meant they are able to stick magnets to their bodies; we have the likely...
Anthony Fauci is being exposed as a corrupt, lying bureaucrat who needs to be investigated for possible crimes against humanity. But will there be any real consequences, now that thousands of his e-mails have been released? What is the role of the U.S. Agency for International Development in funding of...
On this Memorial Day weekend, we ponder lost freedoms, and ask whether those who died in wars, purportedly for our freedom, have given their lives in vain. Cultural Marxists war on language. Teachers threatened with termination if they don't teach "woke" indoctrination to their classes. Is the "Defund the Police"...
Fauci's NIH and fetal tissue experimentation at the University of Pittsburgh. Federal government is creating lab-grown monsters. National Governors Association meeting on heathcare reform. World Economic Forum sets guidelines for food transition. UFO disclosure: why now, and what is the real agenda? Poisonous chemicals in COVID jabs? Adverse COVID reactions...
NIH funding of Wuhan lab finally getting traction. Anthony Fauci implicated in dangerous experiments at the Wuhan lab. Sen. Rand Paul grills Fauci over funding question. Who is Eco Health Alliance and Peter Daszak? The "One Health" agenda. Did Fauci fight to suppress AIDS cure? A colleague of his says...
Moderna chief medical officer admits they are "hacking" the body's "operating system" with mRNA technology. Long-term double-blind studies for COVID shots are being annihilated as control group participants are being unblinded and are getting COVID shots. Nevertheless, Pfizer still asks FDA for full approval. People injured and killed by jabs...
Politicians set COVID shot goals. Western Australian government uses law, facilitating the supply and administration of "poison" to supply and administer the Big Pharma COVID jabs. Do they know something we don't? Public officials, politicians, employers, and others are in violation of the Nuremberg Code by mandating experimental shot. Tens...
As people are distracted the Derek Chauvin verdict and ensuing riots, House passes legislation to make Washington D.C. the 51st state. NIH publishes study disputing benefits of face diapers, while MIT throws shade on the value of social distancing. Is the official COVID narrative falling apart? Earth Day and the...
War drums pound as U.S. spars with Russia and diplomats expelled. Biden calls for deescalation of tensions with Russia, after escalating tensions with Russia. Deep dive into oligarchs and the real collusion that others won't discuss. Civil unrest, looting, and rioting continues throughout the country as Portland mobs burn down...
Deep dive exposé on the Socialist International and the National Endowment for Democracy. Foreign defectors or paid propagandists? Biden's executive gun grab and other gun-related news. Migrants bused all over the country with hundreds of children coming to Albion, Michigan. “Fully-vaccinated” experience “break through” COVID. J&J vaccine victims experience blood...

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