Hosts: Darren Weeks, Nancy Levant
Patriots pursue "solutions" that are good for nothing but wasting time, as the ever-encroaching police state widens, and government takes away more of our freedoms. Britain now is introducing new restrictions on "extremist activities". These initiatives are meant to crush dissent by shutting down freedoms of speech, assembly, broadcasting, and free use of the Internet. The British government is moving toward making illegal, organizations and individuals that they say are not consistent with "British values". We hear Home Secretary, Theresa May, as she attempts to defend the new policies, while repeatedly dodging the question of how extremism will be defined, and where and when is the line crossed? Why should Americans care what happens in Britain? The United States is following behind Britain's lead, as terrorism is being used as an excuse to clamp down on every freedom that we've taken for granted. We hear from the organizer of the Jade Helm 15 exercise, Commander Thomas Mead, who reveals details of what they are planning. Jade Helm will incorporate and enlist the aid of civilians and their property. Is this the civilian national police force of which Obama spoke? Is there a link between Jade Helm and the recent riots in Baltimore and Ferguson, Missouri? How does Community-Oriented Policing Services (COPS) fit into the equation? Also, we have a global warming heads up, the EPA embarks upon yet another power grab, legislation to restrict the U.S. Department of the Interior with regard to the Endangered Species Act.
Note: Original links may degrade over time.
Queen’s Speech 2015
David Cameron to unveil new limits on extremists' activities in Queen's speech
UK Government Goes Full Orwell: Snooper's Charter, Encryption Backdoors, Free Speech Suppression
Theresa May asked to define extremism in new counter extremism bill
Jade Helm 15 Organizer & Operations Planner, Commander Thomas Mead Presentation to City Council
Obama Announces Plans for a "Civilian National Security Force"
At Kansas State, Homeland Security secretary warns of 'homegrown' terrorists
Homeland Security Jeh Johnson On “The New Realities Of Homeland Security”, Kent State University, May 27, 2015
Why farmers are concerned about EPA's new rules on protected water
Climate Bible Bootcamp for faith leaders will discuss climate issues
Energy Secretary, Ernest Moniz, on Charlie Rose — May 7, 2015
S.655 - A bill to prohibit the use of funds by the Secretary of the Interior to make a final determination on the listing of the northern long-eared bat under the Endangered Species Act of 1973