Nancy Levant

Commerce-Based Living: An abusive and shallow paradigm

Commerce-Based Living: An abusive and shallow paradigm

Everything is a commodity; everything is for sale to bidders. Forests, water, plants animals, rocks and minerals, and even people; everything has a price, and those with the most money win it all and rule accordingly. Their powers last while their money and profits last, and as a consequence they become ruthless, criminal, and commonly do whatever it takes to hold onto the ruling reins. Such is the actualized reality of the love of money as the root of all evil; money and power maintain power and money, and they are the life blood of today’s birth-to-death commerce-based existence on earth.

Beginning at birth parents purchase paint, wall decorations, curtains, changing tables, cribs, bumper pads, sheets, bassinettes, car seats, bouncy seats, diapers, wipes, bottles, formula, infant vaccines, hundreds of articles of clothing, toys, rattles, infant tubs, infant soaps, infant lotions and potions, on and on and on; most of which completely unnecessary, but the expectation of extravagant spending exists and has become imbedded into consumers as normal habits.

Most young children have so many toys and things and clothing that such purchases overrun entire houses, and rarely can children find nor do they even know what they have; again, a culturally implanted expectation marketed into parents to buy. It is equally implanted even into young children’s minds that they must have something new every time they are in stores with parents. By the time little ones become young teenagers, they, too, have acquired expectations to purchase technology, expensive and particular clothing, specific types of food, hair supplies, make-up, sportswear and gear, etc., and they and their parents expect such purchases to be made and ongoing knowing full well that very real community judgments await “the look” and possessions of young people.  The well and expensively dressed run with the well and expensively dressed, and the hand-me-down, thrift shop children run with the same. Money divides the classes, the respectability, the opportunity, the popularity, and equally the “grading” of learning and mental conditions.

Young adults follow the expectations of familial spending habits, clothing quality, furniture, vacationing patterns, automobile purchases, and all other hierarchical suitability expectations that money can buy. The concept of “class” rank is set in stone by young adulthood and attributed to consumer purchasing abilities and habits.

Mid-life upper-middle class consumers are immersed into class expectations of hair styles, clothing, yard maintenance, home décor and decorum, automobiles, educational levels, and job titles. The constancy of chronic up-keeping of all class expectations is embedded, habitual, mundane, and socially commanded as is the often flat affect of rehearsed polite happiness. To fall from higher economic statuses in middle age is to be commonly outcast from upper-middle class social circles.

Middle class and middle-aged consumers become aware of being locked in to their social caste and also locked out of social climbing. They tend to find solace in work ethic slavery, garage sales, bargain hunting, camping, and in contempt of those with incomes they know they will never earn in spite of their harder and longer laboring hours, years and efforts. They hold reasonable resentments that are overlooked and stigmatized by the upper classes and, as a result, the middle classes champion their hardness and their jobs, while the upper classes rank them down the scale as blue-collar “workers” vs. “professionals”.

The lower-class segments of society are demonized by most, with Black Americans the most feared and reviled as automated criminals, and poor Caucasians commonly referred to as “Appalachians” or “trash”. The lowest classes always have had the poorest health, the cheapest food, the worst living quarters; the worst automobiles, clothing and belongings, and they are denied friendship and association by all higher castes that condemn them as “bad” people. Their children are rejected by higher caste school peers and teachers, and they are routinely force-drugged in schools and routinely failed in classes. Equally, their parents are treated with disrespect and contempt by most teachers and administrators. The lower classes do not pay taxes nor do they enrich corporations, and as they are commonly denied employment, they rarely pay income taxes. They are considered to be the dregs of society, commonly on welfare programs, and they are commonly patrolled and harassed by law enforcement because they are poor.

The elderly have also become demonized populations as people who stopped paying employment income taxes, who commonly have no mortgage payments with interest, who spend less, and who are considered a financial burden to government. Today’s young people have been relentlessly trained to believe senior citizens are burdens to society and that rapid death is the most humane solution to the social problem of eldership; all following suit and in line with assisted suicide and affordable health care laws. The young have been trained that they have no obligation to the elderly, that the elderly unduly burden their futures, and that euthanizing seniors is in the best interest of the “greater good”. Corporate America agrees and so do federal and state governments. This is why students have been relentlessly recruited into nursing programs for the last two decades. Nurses will do the “putting down” in order to protect doctors and insurance corporations from actual passive executions.

Unfortunately, as the contemporary human definition equates to consumerism and spending, which automatically renders human ranking, grading, pigeonholing, sorting, stereotyping, segregating, and all consequential fears and hatreds, it is no wonder that nothing improves in the human condition when the richest power brokers create and enforce the economic status quo. On a global level and with today’s global consumerism, they have become rich beyond comprehension, and today everyone is ultimately rated on how much money is made and spent. Those with the most, the billionaires and trillionaires, also have the most and cheapest slave laborers who create the actual wealth and consequential powers of their masters.

The same business model also extracts wealth and subsequent power from all forms of natural resources, equally exploited, used and abused, and neither people nor nature will recover unless a new paradigm forces equality. The richest and most powerful people in the world must be stopped. The upper classes must be paid the same wages as Black people, “Appalachian trash”, the elderly and also the imperfectly born. There is no other answer that history can offer beside continuing the barbaric inequality, unethical and immoral misconceptions, and ongoing mistreatment and foul judgments. There is no other answer.

The CEO must make the same wage as the housekeeper, the mother, the burger flipper, and the construction worker. All must make a very good wage, all must make the identical wage, and all must work until the age of 60. Elders 60 and above must continue to make the same wage as everyone else for the simple reason that they are human beings. If you want equality, then make all human beings equal. The answer is very simple, and everyone in the entire world would agree to this obvious solution—minus the power mongering rich or the world’s .01 percent. Therefore,…?

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