And Americans flock to the polls to elect more nation-killing globalists
Really, people? The Republicans are going to restore your constitutional rights? Republicans are going to stop the global wars? Republicans are going to stop the Federal Reserve Corporation’s total destruction of the U.S. economy and its complicity with the Bank for International Settlements, the World Bank, the World Trade Organization, and the International Monetary Fund?
Republicans are going to champion racial and gender equality in the U.S.? Republicans are going to bring corporate business back to the U.S. and stop grant funding corporations to hire immigrants? The Republicans are going to eliminate the Patriot Acts? The Republicans are going to eliminate the US/Canadian/Mexican Union? The Republicans are going to stop forcing Russia into China’s defense bed? The Republicans are going to de-militarize the nation’s entire law enforcement system? Republicans are going to stop inviting multi-million immigrants into the nation, giving them complete social services and business loans?
The Republicans are going to eliminate decades of constitution-killing executive orders, presidential directive and signing statements? The Republicans are going to hop out of bed with the United Nations and stop being its largest funding source? The Republicans are going to stop using “crises” to implement more and more global government “hubs”? The Republicans are going to de-internationalize the 47 U.S. Biosphere Reserves and the U.S. World Heritage Sites?
The Republicans are going to seize all assets of the Federal Reserve Corporation and pay off the U.S. national debt and all foreign creditors? The Republicans are going to eliminate “the other” illegal entity in the U.S. called the IRS? Republicans are going to restore full-time employment with quality benefits?
There has never been more damage caused to the entire world than has been strategically caused and done in the past 40+ years; this the result of who we elected into high offices and who we failed to monitor and lead. Today, we have allowed ourselves to be de-educated, impoverished, drug and alcohol addicted thanks to the War on Drugs, and full-blown techno-entertainment addicts. We have become so sick and stupid that we completely ignore even the poisoning of our food, water and air supplies at the hands of our elected criminals.
Yeah, you go flock to the polls with your Smart Phones. You do that, and when China, Russia and the Mid-East decide to take us out or collapse themselves, remind yourselves of what good Americans you were. I guarantee you; your children won’t.