Nancy Levant

The Created Crises Have Arrived…All of them

The Created Crises Have Arrived…All of them

The Pacific radiological contamination, the global call to arms, the “economy”, global joblessness, global bankruptcies, global tyranny, and global anger toward the “representative” rulers of the people all boil down to the point of no return; a declaration of international Martial Law; the long awaited and prepared finality of constitutional America and all individual nations, globally.

As our fear grows in desperation for living wages and a livable planet, imagine their fear as they bring to fruition the plan to permanently destroy the United States of America and all rights of its people. Who to blame is a question that history will determine, but someone recently said that we “elect” people, but we do not “select” candidates. Here lies the basis of all corruption that has overtaken this nation; all candidates are pre-selected to carry forth the missions of those actually in power, and we then “elect” one or the other, both interchangeable as we clearly realize today.

We had to become desperate citizens before the finale, and that reality is upon us. No one in the United States is unaffected by the purposeful destruction of this nation, no one. Soon our retirement accounts, pensions, Social Security, and all welfare programs will cease as all accumulated wealth continues to be stolen, and as Kissinger told us many decades ago, we will beg the “international government” to save us. Look to the European Union if in doubt.

The wealthiest nations in the world have purposefully failed, the rights of people have all been stripped, and the entire world has been ecologically damaged by corporate and government tactics to bring us to our knees before new rules and rulers, and nearly every continent is in the midst of multiple uprisings with global law enforcement wholly militarized.

I can only hope that the world’s militaries will one day realize that the hands that feed them are the only criminals, and that the people of the world, even the low level criminals of the world, are the victims and results of criminal leadership. Arresting and mistreating ordinary people, even children, is sheer madness when “governance” is the known kingpin of criminality in all of human history.

Today and the days that follow are and will be permeated in treachery and great sadness. To steal happiness, safety, and the efforts of all labors; to contaminate the natural world to increase profits and to force humanity into lies of submission are the greatest crimes against humanity that have ever occurred in human history, the enforcement of “their” governance and power.

Equality was never their mission; global slave labor was the “equity” they sought. It is the reason for lowering wages to part-time, the reason for the push to eliminate private automobiles and mobility, the reason why we are “smart” metered, and why privacy stripped. We are slaves, and the world has become a panoptical prison watching everything we do and say.

Let us hope and pray that the world’s militaries see, care, and realize what the hands that feed them have done, because what awaits us is not life. It is criminal treachery by any stretch of the imagination by the richest and smallest percentage of people on earth. Surely, this cannot be the climax of humanity. Surely, global slavery will not be allowed to continue. Surely, something will be done even amidst all invisible weapons. Surely the pathological few will be stopped and brought to actual justice.

Govern America Radio




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