Mac Slavo
September 2, 2013
As our family prepared a Labor Day feast today, I happened across my wife Tess sitting in front of her computer… She had tears in her eyes… I asked her what was wrong… She pointed me to the following video…
It’s one we wanted to share with our readers, especially today, as many of us gather with those we love.
Despite the stresses we face in our day-to-day lives, just remember… Life only goes around once… but never again.
Make memories. Live to the fullest.
Watch. Enjoy. Share.
We hope it touches your hearts like it did ours.
An old man’s love song to his wife – Oh Sweet Lorraine (Full Micro-Doc):
A Letter From Fred from Green Shoe Creative on Vimeo.
Documentary Published on Jul 19, 2013 by Green Shoe Studio
Buy "Oh Sweet Lorraine" on iTunes! Or buy it on GOOGLE PLAY
A poignant story of life, love, music and 96 year old Fred. #ohsweetlorraine
Green Shoe Studio - East Peoria, IL
Copyright 2013 by Green Shoe Studio