
Wikileaks Releases Another 1,894 Podesta Emails In Part 11 Of Data Dump; Total Is Now 17,150

Tyler Durden
Zero Hedge
October 18, 2016

The daily dump continues.  In the now traditional daily routine, one which forces the Clinton campaign to resort to ever more stark sexual scandals involving Trump to provide a media distraction, moments ago Wikileaks released yet another 1,894 emails in Part 11 of its ongoing Podesta Email dump, which brings the total number of released emails to 17,150.

As a reminder among yesterday's most recent revelations we got further insights into the campaign staff exchanges on handling media queries about Clinton “flip-flopping” on gay marriage, galvanizing Latino support and locking down Clinton’s healthcare policy. Just as notable has been the ongoing revelation of just how "captured" the so-called independent press has been in its "off the record" discussions with John Podesta which got the head Politico correspondent, Glenn Thrush, to admit he is a "hack" for allowing Podesta to dictate the content of his article.

With another 33,000 or so emails left until election day, we expect the emergence of another Trump "sexual assault" accuser to emerge momentarily.

Here are some initial observations from the latest leak:

  • More "quid pro quo"? - the Campaign was aware of emails being released by State prior to actual event, including direct link to them: Link.
  • Did the Clinton campaign collude with Dianne Feinstein -- even though she's concerned about classified info: Link

    "... she wants to be a surrogate on Benghazi. Senate Intel did a bipartisan report while she was chair finding no wrongdoing. She also talked to IC IG yesterday who repeated no criminal referral but said he was still concerned about classified info on the thumb drive and possibly the server. Diane later talked to HRC and reiterated offer to help."
  • David Kendall interaction that leads to phone call: Link
  • What was the "vulnerability meeting"?: Link
  • Strategist Tom Cosgrove suggests giving Goldman money to Children's defense fund as “it gives her a legitimate opportunity to get the public to appreciate her long history of social justice in a way that just talking about it or advertising it doesn't.”: Link
  • Clinton campaign was inspired by Jeb Bush's stance on the economy, praising Bush’s “message” for attracting “half of african americans and democrats and two thirds of latinos.” ... “Some thought it ended too harsh. But the perspective on the economy has really worked. Now we didn't tell people this was from bush. But its a warning,” reads the mail from Lake Research to Clinton advisor Minyon Moore: Link
  • Neera Tander is not a fan of Harvard professor Larry Lessig, who announced his candidacy for the Democratic nomination for president in August 2015, is harshly criticized in an email by Neera Tanden.
    “I f*cking hate that guy. Like I'd like to kick the sh*t out of him on twitter...but I know that is dumb,” Tanden writes to Podesta. Link


Tyler Durden writes for Zero Hedge, where this article first appeared.

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