(a) Increasing the availability of food, feed and renewable raw materials; (b) Improving human health;PROGRAMME AREAS
(c) Enhancing protection of the environment;
(d) Enhancing safety and developing international mechanisms for cooperation;
(e) Establishing enabling mechanisms for the development and the environmentally sound application of biotechnology.
(a) To increase to the optimum possible extent the yield of major crops, livestock, and aquaculture species, by using the combined resources of modern biotechnology and conventional plant/animal/micro-organism improvement, including the more diverse use of genetic material resources, both hybrid and original. 2/ Forest product yields should similarly be increased, to ensure the sustainable use of forests; 3/ (b) To reduce the need for volume increases of food, feed and raw materials by improving the nutritional value (composition) of the source crops, animals and micro-organisms, and to reduce post-harvest losses of plant and animal products;Activities
(c) To increase the use of integrated pest, disease and crop management techniques to eliminate overdependence on agrochemicals, thereby encouraging environmentally sustainable agricultural practices;
(d) To evaluate the agricultural potential of marginal lands in comparison with other potential uses and to develop, where appropriate, systems allowing for sustainable productivity increases;
(e) To expand the applications of biotechnology in forestry, both for increasing yields and more efficient utilization of forest products and for improving afforestation and reforestation techniques. Efforts should be concentrated on species and products that are grown in and are of value particularly for developing countries;
(f) To increase the efficiency of nitrogen fixation and mineral absorption by the symbiosis of higher plants with micro-organisms;
(g) To improve capabilities in basic and applied sciences and in the management of complex interdisciplinary research projects.
(a) Improve productivity, nutritional quality and shelf-life of food and animal feed products, with efforts including work on pre- and post-harvest losses; (b) Further develop resistance to diseases and pests;B) Data and information
(c) Develop plant cultivars tolerant and/or resistant to stress from factors such as pests and diseases and from abiotic causes;
(d) Promote the use of underutilized crops of possible future importance for human nutrition and industrial supply of raw materials;
(e) Increase the efficiency of symbiotic processes that assist sustainable agricultural production;
(f) Facilitate the conservation and safe exchange of plant, animal and microbial germ plasm by applying risk assessment and management procedures, including improved diagnostic techniques for detection of pests and diseases by better methods of rapid propagation;
(g) Develop improved diagnostic techniques and vaccines for the prevention and spread of diseases and for rapid assessment of toxins or infectious organisms in products for human use or livestock feed;
(h) Identify more productive strains of fast-growing trees, especially for fuel wood, and develop rapid propagation methods to aid their wider dissemination and use;
(i) Evaluate the use of various biotechnology techniques to improve the yields of fish, algal and other aquatic species;
(j) Promote sustainable agricultural output by strengthening and broadening the capacity and scope of existing research centres to achieve the necessary critical mass through encouragement and monitoring of research into the development of biological products and processes of productive and environmental value that are economically and socially feasible, while taking safety considerations into account;
(k) Promote the integration of appropriate and traditional biotechnologies for the purposes of cultivating genetically modified plants, rearing healthy animals and protecting forest genetic resources;
(l) Develop processes to increase the availability of materials derived from biotechnology for use in food, feed and renewable raw materials production.
(a) Consideration of comparative assessments of the potential of the different technologies for food production, together with a system for assessing the possible effects of biotechnologies on international trade in agricultural products; (b) Examination of the implications of the withdrawal of subsidies and the possible use of other economic instruments to reflect the environmental costs associated with the unsustainable use of agrochemicals;C) International and regional cooperation and coordination
(c) Maintenance and development of data banks of information on environmental and health impacts of organisms to facilitate risk assessment;
(d) Acceleration of technology acquisition, transfer and adaptation by developing countries to support national activities that promote food security.
(a) Cooperation on issues related to conservation of, access to and exchange of germ plasm; rights associated with intellectual property and informal innovations, including farmers' and breeders' rights; access to the benefits of biotechnology; and bio-safety; (b) Promotion of collaborative research programmes, especially in developing countries, to support activities outlined in this programme area, with particular reference to cooperation with local and indigenous people and their communities in the conservation of biological diversity and sustainable use of biological resources, as well as the fostering of traditional methods and knowledge of such groups in connection with these activities;Means of implementation
(c) Acceleration of technology acquisition, transfer and adaptation by developing countries to support national activities that promote food security, through the development of systems for substantial and sustainable productivity increases that do not damage or endanger local ecosystems; 4/
(d) Development of appropriate safety procedures based on programme area D, taking account of ethical considerations.
(a) Reinforce or inaugurate (as a matter of urgency) programmes to help combat major communicable diseases; (b) Promote good general health among people of all ages;Activities
(c) Develop and improve programmes to assist in specific treatment of and protection from major non-communicable diseases;
(d) Develop and strengthen appropriate safety procedures based on programme area D, taking account of ethical considerations;
(e) Create enhanced capabilities for carrying out basic and applied research and for managing interdisciplinary research.
(a) Develop national and international programmes for identifying and targeting those populations of the world most in need of improvement in general health and protection from diseases; (b) Develop criteria for evaluating the effectiveness and the benefits and risks of the proposed activities;B) Data and information
(c) Establish and enforce screening, systematic sampling and evaluation procedures for drugs and medical technologies, with a view to barring the use of those that are unsafe for the purposes of experimentation; ensure that drugs and technologies relating to reproductive health are safe and effective and take account of ethical considerations;
(d) Improve, systematically sample and evaluate drinking-water quality by introducing appropriate specific measures, including diagnosis of water-borne pathogens and pollutants;
(e) Develop and make widely available new and improved vaccines against major communicable diseases that are efficient and safe and offer protection with a minimum number of doses, including intensifying efforts directed at the vaccines needed to combat common diseases of children;
(f) Develop biodegradable delivery systems for vaccines that eliminate the need for present multiple-dose schedules, facilitate better coverage of the population and reduce the costs of immunization;
(g) Develop effective biological control agents against disease-transmitting vectors, such as mosquitoes and resistant variants, taking account of environmental protection considerations;
(h) Using the tools provided by modern biotechnology, develop, inter alia, improved diagnostics, new drugs and improved treatments and delivery systems;
(i) Develop the improvement and more effective utilization of medicinal plants and other related sources;
(j) Develop processes to increase the availability of materials derived from biotechnology, for use in improving human health.
(a) Develop and strengthen appropriate safety procedures based on programme area D, taking account of ethical considerations; (b) Support the development of national programmes, particularly in developing countries, for improvements in general health, especially protection from major communicable diseases, common diseases of children and disease-transmitting factors.Means of implementation
(a) Continuous international commitment; (b) National priorities with a defined time-frame;A) Financing and cost evaluation
(c) Scientific and financial input at global and national levels.
(a) That of scientists required for basic and product-oriented research; (b) That of health personnel (to be trained in the safe use of new products) and of science managers required for complex intermultidisciplinary research;D) Capacity-building*
(c) That of tertiary-level technical workers required for delivery in the field.
(a) To adopt production processes making optimal use of natural resources, by recycling biomass, recovering energy and minimizing waste generation; 6/ (b) To promote the use of biotechnologies, with emphasis on bio-remediation of land and water, waste treatment, soil conservation, reforestation, afforestation and land rehabilitation; 7/ 8/Activities
(c) To apply biotechnologies and their products to protect environmental integrity with a view to long-term ecological security.
(a) Develop environmentally sound alternatives and improvements for environmentally damaging production processes; (b) Develop applications to minimize the requirement for unsustainable synthetic chemical input and to maximize the use of environmentally appropriate products, including natural products (see programme area A);B) Data and information
(c) Develop processes to reduce waste generation, treat waste before disposal and make use of biodegradable materials;
(d) Develop processes to recover energy and provide renewable energy sources, animal feed and raw materials from recycling organic waste and biomass;
e) Develop processes to remove pollutants from the environment, including accidental oil spills, where conventional techniques are not available or are expensive, inefficient or inadequate;
(f) Develop processes to increase the availability of planting materials, particularly indigenous varieties, for use in afforestation and reforestation and to improve sustainable yields from forests;
(g) Develop applications to increase the availability of stress-tolerant planting material for land rehabilitation and soil conservation;
(h) Promote the use of integrated pest management based on the judicious use of bio-control agents;
(i) Promote the appropriate use of bio-fertilizers within national fertilizer programmes;
(j) Promote the use of biotechnologies relevant to the conservation and scientific study of biological diversity and the sustainable use of biological resources;
(k) Develop easily applicable technologies for the treatment of sewage and organic waste;
(l) Develop new technologies for rapid screening of organisms for useful biological properties;
(m) Promote new biotechnologies for tapping mineral resources in an environmentally sustainable manner.
(a) Develop mechanisms for scaling up and disseminating environmentally sound biotechnologies of high environmental importance, especially in the short term, even though those biotechnologies may have limited commercial potential; (b) Enhance cooperation, including transfer of biotechnology, between participating countries for capacity-building;Means of implementation
(c) Develop appropriate safety procedures based on programme area D, taking account of ethical considerations.
(a) Make the existing safety procedures widely available by collecting the existing information and adapting it to the specific needs of different countries and regions; (b) Further develop, as necessary, the existing safety procedures to promote scientific development and categorization in the areas of risk assessment and risk management (information requirements; databases; procedures for assessing risks and conditions of release; establishment of safety conditions; monitoring and inspections, taking account of ongoing national, regional and international initiatives and avoiding duplication wherever possible);B) Data and information*
(c) Compile, update and develop compatible safety procedures into a framework of internationally agreed principles as a basis for guidelines to be applied on safety in biotechnology, including consideration of the need for and feasibility of an international agreement, and promote information exchange as a basis for further development, drawing on the work already undertaken by international or other expert bodies;
(d) Undertake training programmes at the national and regional levels on the application of the proposed technical guidelines;
(e) Assist in exchanging information about the procedures required for safe handling and risk management and about the conditions of release of the products of biotechnology, and cooperate in providing immediate assistance in cases of emergencies that may arise in conjunction with the use of biotechnology products.
(a) Organizing one or more regional meetings between countries to identify further practical steps to facilitate international cooperation in bio-safety; (b) Establishing an international network incorporating national, regional and global contact points;* * * *
(c) Providing direct assistance upon request through the international network, using information networks, databases and information procedures;
(d) Considering the need for and feasibility of internationally agreed guidelines on safety in biotechnology releases, including risk assessment and risk management, and considering studying the feasibility of guidelines which could facilitate national legislation on liability and compensation.
(a) To promote the development and application of biotechnologies, with special emphasis on developing countries, by:Activities(b) To identify ways and means of enhancing current efforts, building wherever possible on existing enabling mechanisms, particularly regional, to determine the precise nature of the needs for additional initiatives, particularly in respect of developing countries, and to develop appropriate response strategies, including proposals for any new international mechanisms;
- Enhancing existing efforts at the national, regional and global levels;
- Providing the necessary support for biotechnology, particularly research and product development, at the national, regional and international levels;
- Raising public awareness regarding the relative beneficial aspects of and risks related to biotechnology, to contribute to sustainable development;
- Helping to create a favourable climate for investments, industrial capacity-building and distribution/marketing;
- Encouraging the exchange of scientists among all countries and discouraging the "brain drain";
- Recognizing and fostering the traditional methods and knowledge of indigenous peoples and their communities and ensuring the opportunity for their participation in the economic and commercial benefits arising from developments in biotechnology;9/
(c) To establish or adapt appropriate mechanisms for safety appraisal and risk assessment at the local, regional and international levels, as appropriate.
(a) Develop policies and mobilize additional resources to facilitate greater access to the new biotechnologies, particularly by and among developing countries; (b) Implement programmes to create greater awareness of the potential and relative benefits and risks of the environmentally sound application of biotechnology among the public and key decision makers;
(c) Undertake an urgent review of existing enabling mechanisms, programmes and activities at the national, regional and global levels to identify strengths, weaknesses and gaps, and to assess the priority needs of developing countries;
(d) Undertake an urgent follow-up and critical review to identify ways and means of strengthening endogenous capacities within and among developing countries for the environmentally sound application of biotechnology, including, as a first step, ways to improve existing mechanisms, particularly at the regional level, and, as a subsequent step, the consideration of possible new international mechanisms, such as regional biotechnology centres;
(e) Develop strategic plans for overcoming targeted constraints by means of appropriate research, product development and marketing;
(f) Establish additional quality-assurance standards for biotechnology applications and products, where necessary.
B) Data and information
16.41. The following activities should be undertaken: facilitation of access to existing information dissemination systems, especially among developing countries; improvement of such access where appropriate; and consideration of the development of a directory of information.
C) International and regional cooperation and coordination
16.42. Governments at the appropriate level, with the assistance of international and regional organizations, should develop appropriate new initiatives to identify priority areas for research based on specific problems and facilitate access to new biotechnologies, particularly by and among developing countries, among relevant undertakings within those countries, in order to strengthen endogenous capacities and to support the building of research and institutional capacity in those countries.
Means of implementation
A) Financing and cost evaluation
16.43. The Conference secretariat has estimated the average total annual cost (1993-2000) of implementing the activities of this programme to be about $5 million from the international community on grant or concessional terms. These are indicative and order-of-magnitude estimates only and have not been reviewed by Governments. Actual costs and financial terms, including any that are non-concessional, will depend upon, inter alia, the specific strategies and programmes Governments decide upon for implementation.
B) Scientific and technological means
16.44. Workshops, symposia, seminars and other exchanges among the scientific community at the regional and global levels, on specific priority themes, will need to be organized, making full use of the existing scientific and technological manpower in each country for bringing about such exchanges.
C) Human resource development
16.45. Personnel development needs will need to be identified and additional training programmes developed at the national, regional and global levels, especially in developing countries. These should be supported by increased training at all levels, graduate, postgraduate and post-doctoral, as well as by the training of technicians and support staff, with particular reference to the generation of trained manpower in consultant services, design, engineering and marketing research. Training programmes for lecturers training scientists and technologists in advanced research institutions in different countries throughout the world will also need to be developed, and systems giving appropriate rewards, incentives and recognition to scientists and technologists will need to be instituted (see para. 16.44). Conditions of service will also need to be improved at the national level in developing countries to encourage and nurture trained manpower with a view to retaining that manpower locally. Society should be informed of the social and cultural impact of the development and application of biotechnology.
D) Capacity-building
16.46. Biotechnology research and development is undertaken both under highly sophisticated conditions and at the practical level in many countries. Efforts will be needed to ensure that the necessary infrastructure facilities for research, extension and technology activities are available on a decentralized basis. Global and regional collaboration for basic and applied research and development will also need to be further enhanced and every effort should be made to ensure that existing national and regional facilities are fully utilized. Such institutions already exist in some countries and it should be possible to make use of them for training purposes and joint research projects. Strengthening of universities, technical schools and local research institutions for the development of biotechnologies and extension services for their application will need to be developed, especially in developing countries.
* See paras. 16.6 and 16.7.
* See programme area E.
* See paras. 16.32 and 16.33.
** See para. 16.32.
1/ See chapter 15 (Conservation of biological diversity)
2/ See chapter 14 (Promoting sustainable agriculture and rural development).
3/ See chapter 11 (Combating deforestation).
4/ See chapter 34 (transfer of environmentally sound technology.
5/ See chapter 6 (Protecting and promoting human health conditions).
6/ See chapter 21 (Environmentally sound management of solid wastes and sewage-related issues).
7/ See chapter 10 (Integrated approach to the planning and management of land resources).
8/ See Chapter 18 (Protection of the quality and supply of freshwater resources: application of integrated approaches to the development, management and use of water resources).
9/ See chapter 26 (Recognizing and strengthening the role of indigenous people and their communities).