Criteria for Collective Puppets in Office: Sociopathic, drug and/or alcohol addicted, pathological lying, paranoia

Criteria for Collective Puppets in Office: Sociopathic, drug and/or alcohol addicted, pathological lying, paranoia

I love it when a title like this rolls off my tongue. I could stop with the title, which is right on the trillion dollar Repubocrat money, but just a few more comments before I take my clever self to bed:

1.      They are nuts, visibly so, and they were nuts when you voted for them--visible so.

2.      They are visibly addicts; many long-term alcoholics, many wired and fried; visibly so.

3.      Liars? I could write an encyclopedia about DC lying, and so could you.

4.      Their paranoia is crystal clear in their secretive, hidden and illegal passing of any laws and infliction of any taxes, many of which the freaks don’t even know exist in legislation they do not read. It’s illegal to pass laws you don’t even know exist.

In dangerous truth, the collective that passes as U.S. leaders, which they were never supposed to be, are common disordered personality types who are themselves easily controlled due to their collective criminality. If they follow orders and play all economic crime games, they are permitted to maintain lavish partying lifestyles with armed guards, limousines, and hefty paychecks and benefits.

If they fail to keep secrets or get caught in their criminality, they get thrown to mass media wolves and are publicly destroyed. Some charm their wicked ways back into office, such as Billy and Hilly have done, but the fact remains that we have come to accept dangerous people to 1) be leaders vs. representatives, and 2) to accept sick and devious people as leaders.

Let us hope we are not as sick and wasted as those we choose to lead. Perhaps representative government was better after all. Perhaps it takes sick puppies/puppets to be criminal dictators. Perhaps history backs up that fact more times than we care to remember.