OREGON STANDOFF: Idaho III%ers Roll Up on FBI Compound, Begin Talks

CGA Note: While we do not know Pete Santilli, nor do we necessarily agree with his conclusions at the end of the video, we do appreciate the information that he has brought forth. The patriot group, III%ers (three percenters) of Idaho, rolled up on the FBI compound to begin negotiations.


Vicky Davis says the following,


Yesterday in a historic event, the Idaho III% dropped by the FBI stronghold in Burns, Oregon to introduce themselves and to explain to the heavily harmed agents, exactly what they were doing in Harney County.   The first few minutes were tense as the surprised FBI agents sought to figure out what was going on. TVOI News gives a standing salute to the Idaho III% for their boldness and to the FBI Agents for remaining calm in what was no doubt a first for them. The video of the meeting was shot by Michael Emry, owner and cameraman for The Voice of Idaho News (TVOI News).


The video is below. Following is from the video description:


Heavily Armed Idaho 3 Percenters Roll Up On FBI Compound (Pacific Patriot Network) - VIDEO CREDIT : Embed Reporter Michael Emery of The Voice of Idaho ( http://tvoinews.com)

This is the very first time in U.S. History that the Federal Bureau of Investigations has ever been confronted by heavily armed members of the Patriot community. The leadership team of the Pacific Patriot Network rolled up on the FBI compound with approximately 20 vehicles and entered into firm, but diplomatic dialogue with FBI agents.

Again, to emphasize the significance of this historic event; the Constitutional Crisis at the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge is being peacefully resolved with direct intervention by the PPN.

More updates, analysis and coverage will follow this important report. PLEASE SHARE THIS WITH MEMBERS OF THE ENTIRE PATRIOT COMMUNITY.....


From George Rogers Clark, we get the following:


History has been made! A militia group (Idaho 3 %) has moved into the Oregon standoff situation and represented the Pacific Patriots Network in a historical first. They wrote and delivered Articles of Resolution to the occupiers (Ammond Bundy group) at the Wildlife Refuge, the FBI contingent at the FBI staging area (local airport) and the Harney County (Oregon) Sheriff. Though the purpose of the Articles of Resolution is to help the parties reach a peaceful solution that protects citizens’ rights, the delivery of the Articles was quite tense. When a large convoy of armed men show up unexpected, people naturally get nervous. The good news is that each of the three parties ultimately received the Articles in good faith and are considering the next move, hopefully an agreement to peace that does not compromise citizens’ rights. In the first video (below), Brandon Curtis the founder and leader of the Idaho 3% talks with Pete Santilli for 45 minutes. He thoroughly explains the intent and actions of the 3% and their armed delivery convoy. He provides a pretty clear picture of the events. And, he expresses a great hope for the outcome. Mr. Curtis is a brave, but humble man. He never mentioned the historical precedent that was set by his actions. The formal delivery of Articles of Resolution (Terms of Settlement?) by Militia, to law enforcement, must be considered “historical.” Pete Santilli finally points it out. Curtis nearly blushes. It is very important to point out Curtis’ complimentary attitude toward the FBI and the Sheriff’s Department reactions to the Articles. You will see it in the first video. No one wants a shootout. Almost everyone wants a legal and peaceful solution. The second video (below the first) is the impromptu meeting at the FBI’s compound at the airport. (Delivery of the Articles) The audio is very poor. But you can see how the tension slowly melts into mutual respect and perhaps a little bit of relief (on both sides).