Govern America | July 27, 2013 | Dangers of the Trans-Pacific Partnership

Hosts: Darren Weeks & Nancy Levant


NOTE: Show begins 6 minutes into each hour.

Hour 1 - World Toilet Day, unemployment stats, and the Treasury Department manipulation of national debt figures. Obamacare continues to impact workers with full-timers being cut to part-time and part-timers having their hours cut to under 30 hours as well as increasingly seeing their schedules become much more erratic.


Hour 1

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Hour 2 - We discuss, at length, the dangers of the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP), a new "free trade" agreement that is being negotiated in complete secrecy.


Hour 2

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Hour 3 - We conclude the information about the Trans-Pacific Partnership, take a few phone calls, then transition into the subject of how Terry Mcauliffe and Tony Rodham, Hillary Clinton's brother, is using the EB-5 visa program to push for visas for communist Chinese spies. What was the role of Obama's nominee for the #2 position at the Department of Homeland Security?


Hour 3

(To download, right-click, choose "save file as" or "save target as")